nori clip


I was wondering how other poeple put nori in their tanks for their tangs. I try to keep the clip full all the time, but sometimes the little fish clip deosnt stay stuck to the glass. I was thinking of putting a weight on it and hanging it from a string. Whats safe to use for weight, I wouldnt think that lead would be ok. Any ideas?


You could tie to to the legs of your lights if they have feet (mine do). It would probably look better.
Or if you use eggcrate on the top of your tank (like I do), you could tie it on that also.
Or you could just go buy a $1.99 new seaweed clip


take the suction cup off of the clip. Then find a small piece of LR and get a plastic tie and go through the hole in the clip and around the rock. Pull it tight and you have yourself a greta way to feed your tang. I have do this for while and it works great. I postioned on the LR so that the clip is facing up so the Nori stands striaght up when it is in the water.....


Active Member
I use a rubber band and a piece of live rock tied to a piece of fishing line so I dont have to reach in to retreive it.


Thats a great Idea, I'll drill a hole in a small peice of LR and zip tie it to the clip and dangle it with fishing line. thank you all for the ideas


Active Member
I use the seaweed clip that came with the seaweed. I had one of those clownfish clips and it came apart the second time I used it.


Thats kinda what happened to me so I have a rubberband wrapped around it now cuz the spring de boinged itself


i use the smallest mag float they sell for this, if it comes off it floats. and you can keep the front clean after they eat it all