"normal" appearance of Yellow Tang



Hellow everyone, I have a quick question. I am fairly new a this whole saltwater tank hobby. I've had my 100 gallon tank now for about 6 months. I've never had any problem what so ever. Here's the question: I've just recently noticed that my yellow tang has what appears to be a brown area near his "stomach"...however, this dark brown area is definitely more pronounced when I first turn the lights on in the morning, and then the brown area seems to "fade away" during the day. he is very active and seems to be eating quite well. I feed him frozen marine algae as well as flakes. I am wondering if this coloring is okay? He also has a faint white line that is noticeable - his latereral line I think...


Active Member
Pictures would help understand.
Mine has a faint white stripe running down his side, always has. He eats lot of algae, nori strips, ect.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's anything to worry about. If the line on his body gets more pronounced, then that may start to be a cause of concern, but for now I wouldn't worry.
Generally, the only problems you have to worry about with tangs are Ich (Cryptocaryon Irritans), HLLE, fin rot and starvation. Try feeding a variety of algaes. Frozen algaes, nori, dried hair algae, chaetomorpha, etc. etc. The more varied his diet, the better. If his belly seems shrunken in and he appears thin, then that's a cause of concern. But, from what you have described so far. You're good.


yeah pictures would help but what it sounds like is the hiding coloration that they adopt at night to keep hidden from predators and color back up once the daylight starts.
welcome to the board.


Active Member
Mine, if I turn on my day lights on during the night cycle is almost a pale white color. During the day he is a vibrant yellow. They do change in color to a degree......


Staff member
That is pretty normal for yellow tangs. As long as the fish is otherwise normal, eating well, etc., no worries.


wow! that was fast! thank you all so much for your input! I feel much better! He certainly likes to "camoflage" himself next to some of the live rocks, which, interestingly enough are that same "brown" color!


Not a problem feel free to stick around and post any questions that you may have.
tell us some more about your setup and what your plans are for the tank,


Well-Known Member
Hey now, don't be a stranger. We'de love for you to come be a part of the boards!
Welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay!