Not a Diamond Goby


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OK, so I didn't catch it when I was at the lfs, but I was supposed to get a new Diamond Goby to replace the one I got three weeks ago, and died within 24 hours. I called the lfs and talked with the person I normally deal with and he said to not worry about it, he'd replace it. Well yesterday, after getting him home and putting him in the QT I noticed this guy looks different. So I pulled up pics of my old Diamond Goby (may he rest in peace) and realized the difference. After doing some research I realized my new fish is a Orange Spotted Goby.
Not what I wanted, but he's in my QT and now I need to call the lfs back to see if I can bring him back and get what I really wanted, this time coming in with a picture to make sure I get what I wanted. Here is a picture of the old fish (Diamond Goby):

The the last picture is the new fish (Orange Spotted Goby). I would prefer the Diamond Goby because they get twice the size of the Orange Spotted Goby and I think sift the sand more. Does anyone have both these fish in the same tank?


Active Member
Again, does anyone have these two fish in the same tank? I'm starting to like this new little fish, but if he's not compatible with the Diamond Goby he has to go. Anyone know?


Active Member
Most likely the diamond won't get along with the spotted but you never know for sure. If you got them when they were really small maybe it would work. I know from my experience that the diamond goby and yellow watchman goby didn't like each other so the yellow dissappeared.


Active Member
I would get rid of the orange spotted and wait for your diamond, because the two would probably not be fully compatible.


Active Member
OK, thanks. Lfs opens in 15 minutes, so I'll call and see if I can bring him back and get what I was supposed to get. Plus, if I'm not mistaken the Diamond Goby sifts the sand more than the Orange Spotted Goby. At this point I havn't seen the Orange Spotted Goby sift sand at all.


Active Member
The spotted is a shrimp goby. They dig burows to live in, or does the shrimp dig the hole, I forget ?? not sift for food. They are much more hardier than the sleepers ( sifters ) gobies but a bit more territorial.


Active Member
The shrimp gobies dig the burrow and share it with the shrimp. The watchman goby I had didn't sift sand


Active Member
I've taken the Orange Spotted Goby back and I now have this little guy. (They didn't have any Diamond Gobies.) He's sifting away making a mess of my QT tank.



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Originally Posted by Kevin34
Thats not a diamond goby is it?
No, Yellowhead Sleeper Goby. They didn't have any Diamonds, so I took this one home. Will get up to 7" so I'm happy.


Active Member
Just a word of warning, or in other words learn from my mistake. I had a diamond goby in my 125 with a glass cover and a canopy. Whitey went missing last week and I found this weekend that he jumped out. So make sure that your tank is covered, I would hate for you to lose that beautiful fish you finally got.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Just a word of warning, or in other words learn from my mistake. I had a diamond goby in my 125 with a glass cover and a canopy. Whitey went missing last week and I found this weekend that he jumped out. So make sure that your tank is covered, I would hate for you to lose that beautiful fish you finally got.
How did he get out with a glass cover?! :scared: Right now he's in the QT, which is a Nano tank with a top. My DT will have egg crate all over the top, so hopefully he won't get out. I'll probably hold my breath until he gets large enough to make it more difficult to squeeze through the tiny holes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Well it looks a lot nicer than a diamond goby. Great find

Thanks, I really like him. He's fun to watch and seems very interested in me when I approach the tank. Very alert fish, so that's a good sign from everything I've read.


Active Member
There is about a 2" gap between the glass and the back of the tank. But I did not think that would be a problem. Unfortunately I was wrong.
I am going to put some screen material over this opening before I get another one. They are awesome fish! Yours is a beauty also.