Not a fish but I need help,, PLEAES !!


My hubby bought this for me on Friday, and I am not sure if this is the mouth or if there is something wrong with it
help me please



Active Member
The coral is a flowerpot - Goniopora.
And it is not well.
Nor is the prognosis for many of these corals really all that good.


Active Member
ya its a flowerpot, one of the hardest corals to keep, id return it before it dies, which it looks like it has already started doing

john kelly

It is a brown jelly infection.........VERY bad. It is difficult to completely get rid of on Goniopora once it gets down into several corallites, but it is worth trying. Either purchase some Seachem "Reef Dip" or Kent "Tech-D" and treat with that (use double recommended dose) OR try to find some Lugols Iodine (at lfs or

) which is a concentrated iodine solution.
If not taken care of super quick, the brown jelly will completely strip your coral of tissue in a couple of days (or sooner).


John or bang could you tell me if this is a one time dip or something that can be done more then once?? Thank you so much for your help

john kelly

Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It will either work or it won't. If the jelly returns then repeat the proceedure.
Ditto what Bang said.


thank you guy's your the best!!!! we did it once already and so far so good
got my fingers crossed that it will make it .. Thank you again and again