Not enough alge


New Member
Have a 55 gallon, ~50 pounds live rock, cc subsrtate. Have 1 CBS and 2 Large turbo snails and 1 chocolate chip starfish. Is there such a thing as not enough alge. I caught 2 bristle worms high up on the glass eating on what little alge there is. I do a 10 gallon water change every week and vac the cc. I am just worried my snails, and shrimp aren't getting enought to eat. The CBS has now molted twice in one month. Thanks for any help.
Sorry, put this in wrong forum, could someone please move it to beginner area.


New Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
hmm, bristle worms and cbs, to my knowledge don't eat algae
what kind of lights do you have?
Just 2 florescent 1 50/50, 1 10k coral sun. I see the CBS picking at the rock all the time, looks like he is eating alge off the rock, maybe not.


Active Member
He is probably just picking at organisms or possibly food. What are you feeding him? Bristleworms and coral banded shrimp do not eat algae, they eat meaty foods. Shrimp, krill, clams, mysis shrimp, squid, etc. You should also be spot feeding the CC starfish.