not enough algea

I just did my monthy maintenance on my tank which included scaping the algea off the back glass of my tank. I had tons of Diatom algea from cycling, it is now in check!
I have 2 tangs and a flame angel and a bi-color blennie... I am afraid that they dont have enough algea to pick off the LR (80 lbs) and they DONT like the seeweed stuff OR lettuce I put in the clip.... Is there ANYthing to suppliment algea for saltwter?? I know fresh water has discs you can buy
I guess my Clean up Crew has done a FANTASTIC job.. my tank is SO clean!!
Thanking you kindly, kim


New Member
Go to your library and check on the magazine The Tropical Hobyist (December of 2002) issue... in there there is a thing on how to grow algae... i don't remember what the 'things' (such language) but there are ways to grow algae... sorry if that doesn't help much :(


Active Member
I would also continue to put in the nori and different leafy greens on the clips. Many times they have to get used to seeing it to finally try it, once one of them tries it the others probably will too.


OSI, Omega, and others make spirulina and/or kelp flakes. My yellow tangs love the kelp flakes. I only feed that occasionally. I usually go with various frozen foods soaked with Zoe. Then there's the pre-enriched stuff... Emerald Entree and Spriulina Enriched brine.