Not enough $ for QT for ich, help?


New Member
I have a nasty case of ich, and this is only my third month of having a tank. I used some lame tablets that didnt work and now I'm using kick ich ... needless to say it isn't helping. Someone mentioned garlic but i dont know the specifics and if it even works any suggestions?


Originally Posted by xXxFishxXx
I have a nasty case of ich, and this is only my third month of having a tank. I used some lame tablets that didnt work and now I'm using kick ich ... needless to say it isn't helping. Someone mentioned garlic but i dont know the specifics and if it even works any suggestions?

Everyone can afford a rubbermaid tub...
Go buy one and do a hypo in it with a powerhead and a heater...
Your livestock has to be worth more than the 50 bucks that will set you back sir or ma'am.


Active Member
The problem is that you'r tank is not infested with ick. None of the "kick ick" type products will eliminate this from your tank. Copper, hyposalinty, formalin baths and freshwater dips are the only methods to kill the parasites. The later two are harder on the fish. And wont eliminate it from your tank. If you do the copper in your DT then you will likely ruin your Dt for inverts/corals. Hyposalinity in a QT is preffered. however if you have NO CORALS,INVERTS, LR OR LS you can do hypo in the DT. You will need a refractometer to do the hypo though, and they cost as much as the QT. If you do the copper in a QT then you will need to test for copper. Either way, theres no 3.00 way out.

Garlic wont eliminate the parasite either.
Originally Posted by xXxFishxXx
I have a nasty case of ich, and this is only my third month of having a tank. I used some lame tablets that didnt work and now I'm using kick ich ... needless to say it isn't helping. Someone mentioned garlic but i dont know the specifics and if it even works any suggestions?
9$ for 10gal at walmart
get the whole set up for a QT for $50
I'm sure you could get by cheaper if you just bought the tank, a heater, and a powerhead


Active Member
Originally Posted by xXxFishxXx
I have a nasty case of ich, and this is only my third month of having a tank. I used some lame tablets that didnt work and now I'm using kick ich ... needless to say it isn't helping. Someone mentioned garlic but i dont know the specifics and if it even works any suggestions?
What all is in your tank;how many fish/inverts/how much live rock?

mr. green

Originally Posted by tylersalzman
9$ for 10gal at walmart
get the whole set up for a QT for $50
I'm sure you could get by cheaper if you just bought the tank, a heater, and a powerhead

I agree, for $50 at Walmat you can get a whole tank setup with filter, heater, light, hood for this money. The price is well worth the cost you will lose in Live Stock from things like ICK. People will go out and buy $200 worth of fish and inverts, but won't spend a few buck on a QT setup.
Originally Posted by earlybird
I believe I bought mine for $9.88

True.... I was trying to make it sound a little more impressively low by rounding down, but you caught me.


when you set up a quick 10 g QT, and you use like 6 gallons of water from your DT, and 4 new g of SW.. do you have to cycle it.. as isnt' the water alreay cycled???


Originally Posted by imfsub12
when you set up a quick 10 g QT, and you use like 6 gallons of water from your DT, and 4 new g of SW.. do you have to cycle it.. as isnt' the water alreay cycled???
Biological bacteria does not live in the water column itself. It colonizes on surfaces. You can pick up a sponge filter for roughly $5-$7 and just place it in the DT in a high flow area for a few days to gather bacteria. How much lr, ls, and inverts do you have? It may be easier to just move those to a rubbermaid with a heater and a powerhead. You will not have to worry about cycling and it is less stressful to the fish. You may want to post this over in Disease and Treatment. Posts have a tendency to get lost in New Hobbyists.


Active Member
If you set up an emergency QT tank you will have to monitor carefully and do water changes as neccessary.
Don't use tank water for this (after the initital set up) as you'll just be adding disease into your QT.