not enough LR



for now i have 8.2 lbs of LR in my 12 g aquapod... i really dont think that is enough, especially since i will be adding coral in, and i already have one false percula and 5 blue leg hermits... two questions:
--How many lbs of LR do i want to see in the tank?
--I'm at 8 lbs now... if all of a sudden i add up to 8 lbs (doublish the amount) will i throw my tank back into cycling? Finding CURED LR around here in tampa is not easy at all (by cured i mean with coralline already on it).
Here's a pic of the tank now:


Active Member
If you get it from a LFS and have it in your tank within an hour of it being removed from the tank at the lfs i wouldn't worry to much about a cycle. Just monitor your levels .If you order off line you should recure it because there will be some die off.


Originally Posted by InnerDragon103
for now i have 8.2 lbs of LR in my 12 g aquapod... i really dont think that is enough, especially since i will be adding coral in, and i already have one false percula and 5 blue leg hermits... two questions:
--How many lbs of LR do i want to see in the tank?
--I'm at 8 lbs now... if all of a sudden i add up to 8 lbs (doublish the amount) will i throw my tank back into cycling? Finding CURED LR around here in tampa is not easy at all (by cured i mean with coralline already on it).
Here's a pic of the tank now:
Take into account many corals come on good sized pieces of liverock. But typically you want about a pound or more a gallon.


New Member
you can never have enough live rock IMO, i have a 24gal Oddysea cube with over 100lbs, If you get coral and more livestock id say get another 30lbs in it and stack it loosley, so you have alot of holes to put corals in and whatever you want, and so if you get livestock that like to hide youll still beable to keep an eye on em, Thats my opinion but some people dont like ALOT of liverock


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vsandme
you can never have enough live rock IMO, i have a 24gal Oddysea cube with over 100lbs, If you get coral and more livestock id say get another 30lbs in it and stack it loosley, so you have alot of holes to put corals in and whatever you want, and so if you get livestock that like to hide youll still beable to keep an eye on em, Thats my opinion but some people dont like ALOT of liverock
You have 100lbs in a 24gallon ? pics please


Active Member
Well its more than enough as long as your only gong to do corals, but when you add other critters you need to have more. I go with 1.5# per gal at a minimum, and this is more or less the accepted norm. So in a 12 gal I would shoot for 18 to 20 pounds. Do not rely on frags of corals being on lr rubble in counting yur total. Lots of folks remove those live rock frags from corals so they can better palce them in the tank. I know I do as well as lots of others remove corals if possible for any live rock frag.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Well its more than enough as long as your only gong to do corals, but when you add other critters you need to have more. I go with 1.5# per gal at a minimum, and this is more or less the accepted norm. So in a 12 gal I would shoot for 18 to 20 pounds. Do not rely on frags of corals being on lr rubble in counting yur total. Lots of folks remove those live rock frags from corals so they can better palce them in the tank. I know I do as well as lots of others remove corals if possible for any live rock frag.
Depends a few LFS in the area i go to for corals Do not always. It partly depends on how they where fragged. They have been known to sell fair sized pieces of tonga branch with some zoo's or another on it. Or medium to large rocks with a few polyps to fairly covered rocks. Typically some sort of softie like xenia,zoo, mushroom or an assorted rock. Though these kinda frags cost more. Personally I prefer to leave them on the rocks, but that is me.


New Member
Ill have pics soon, To be hones it doesnt look like 100lbs, but its tightly packed rock with few cracks and holes where the anemones reside, but Ill be more than happy to show pics soon


New Member
Sorry for the double post, as well as the poor quality of the picture, all I had to snap the shot was the Cell phone, here it is