Not even a newbie yet


maby i am reading to much into it but reverse-osmosis (RO) is more important than the DI. but yeah you get the point. Personally i put the LS in first then as i was pumping in my water (into a bowl so it could run down the sides and stir up my sand bed as little as possible) i added my LR so that i didn't have to have my hands in the water much. My water was live so i didn't have to mix it the first time but really you can mix it right in the tank as long as no live stock. NEVER do that with live stock in the tank. Drop your raw shrimp in and get ready to wait. I was told to take the shrimp out when it started to get kinda a white film around it. After nitrate drops and nitrates rise you can add cleanup crew. I was told to wait two weeks to add anything else and go really slow at first so you don't over load the new bacteria.
I am not an expert but i researched for quite a while on how to do things the right way. This is a great place for info keep doin what you are doing and i bet you will be fine. My 29g has only been running for a month but it is doing absolutely fantastic. Friends that have been in this hobby a long time are really suprised how well its doing and the amount of pods and things i have already. I can attribute it all to research and the help of the people here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emtguy
Hey guys and gals,
Im wanting to get in the salt water realm but im totally new to this. I have fresh water tanks but rom all my reading thats about comparing apples and oranges.
My question is this for all you in the know. If you had to do it all over again what would you purchase if money was not a option? Im guess i meen if you were starting up please list what you would consider essintial to having a good looking tank and ease of maint. Please include everything from test kits to tank size....this will give me somewhere to start my research and learning process...heck i dont even know the correct water levels as far as ph etc...
I wish I would of found the following thread and read it. As far as equipment. Never skimp on lights, skimmer or filter (circulation), never impulse by with out knowing it's ok, never pay list price, create a log of your additives so you are not guessing, by saphire glass (if bigger tank),
hook up with an experienced aquariest, this list goes on and on. Read this thread.
Good luck and welcome to your new crack habit!


True or not i dont know but i talked to 2 people that work for culligan water here in my area and they both said DI water is totoally free of any "chemicals" that it's the cleanist most pure water. RO was next on their list.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emtguy
True or not i dont know but i talked to 2 people that work for culligan water here in my area and they both said DI water is totoally free of any "chemicals" that it's the cleanist most pure water. RO was next on their list.
Correct but the water is only as good as it's filters. If the filters haven't been changed you may as well use tap water. It's good to test your source water.