Not Fairr!!



Somehow my heater blew up in my 12 gallon jbj. The glass was shatered and the thing was fried. All my coral, dead. My bluegreen cromis, all snails, crabs, and shrimp dead. Al that was left 3 hermits and my 2 clownfish. No clue how they survied. any ideas on why this would happen. did electricity kill everything, or chemicals :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by wbsurfer101
Somehow my heater blew up in my 12 gallon jbj. The glass was shatered and the thing was fried. All my coral, dead. My bluegreen cromis, all snails, crabs, and shrimp dead. Al that was left 3 hermits and my 2 clownfish. No clue how they survied. any ideas on why this would happen. did electricity kill everything, or chemicals :help:

first off i would see if you can get reimbersment from jbj or what ever company you got the heater from. uh the clownfish are bulletproof fish so im not to suprised they survived. the combo of electricity and chemichals probably. hope you get your problem fixed


Active Member
also, a reason your heater could have exploded is that part of the heater was out of the water, and it overheated so check and see if your heater was fully submerged


Originally Posted by trainfever
Did you have the heater in the same chamber as the return pump?
yes why?


Noo everything in the dank is dead now. Even copapod are floating


Active Member
You shouldnt put the heater in the same chamber as the return pump because when the water evaporates, that is the first chamber to lose water level. You have to keep the water at a certain level with glass heater tubes.


My condolences. It just makes you sick when you lose so much. I had a glass heater crack once. Didn't kill stuff, but shocked me hard enough that I'm always leary when I reach in the tank now.