Active Member
I'm so tired I can't see straight and guess I better call in sick tomorrow because I think I have a crisis on my hands. I'm taking my first stab at a salt water tank and bought a Marinelife Instant Ocean 12 gallon set up. I've done my homework and research and decided tonight was the night to go buy some "live" rocks and live sand and set it up. Spent several hours getting everything just right and when I plugged in the pump/filter, it doesn't work. The propeller spins but not consistently and regardless of how long I've played with it I can't get water to flow through. So I have sand, base rocks, live rocks, salt solution, etc. all in the tank but no way to get things moving! I can't take the unit back because the tank is full of goodies but I need a functioning pump! Any ideas what I can do? I doubt ***** is going to take back only the defective part of a package - they'll want the whole thing back! This is NOT going well so far. Sorry I didn't take the time to introduce myself - I'm just so tired and frustrated and worried - I need to find a solution. I need to sleep!