not hungry?


New Member
Hello All,
I've had my porcupine puffer in quarantine for 2 weeks now and he's eaten hardly anything. After searching the board I found lots of people who said their fish didn't eat for a week so I didn't stress at first but now I'm really concerned.
I've offered him frozen krill, shrimp and silversides. I've chopped them, floated them, let them sink, and offered them on a feeding stick. He'll play with them but never ingests any of it. The only thing I've seen him eat is live brine shrimp, but then he's only had a few. He's not very adept at catching them and gets bored after a while.
He's fine otherwise, swims around a lot and always comes up to say hello and is showing no sign of disease.
He didn't come from an LFS he came from an aquaintance who was relocating and selling off his fish. He had no problem feeding him and I saw him eat shrimp when I went to check him out. I appreciate it takes time to get acclimatized to his new situation but I'm really getting worried now. Any suggestions?


New Member
Sorry should have mentioned about the QT tank.
It is not a cycled tank, I was not expecting this arrival. However I have been doing daily water changes (25-40%). Ammonia is usually 0.25ppm before change and undetectable after. Nitrites and nitrates zero.


New Member
Good News!
Last night my puffer ate some frozen shrimp. He totally went to town with it and acted like there was never a problem - unbelievable, he had me stressed out for a while there. He's doing great and so adorable. I will transfer him to my main tank this weekend, I think he's on the right path now. Yeah!