Not ready for the work week!


Active Member
Good morning everybody! So, it's 5:13 am here. Still have not slept, but I know it's going to be anything but fun waking up later this morning. I say we strike! No work until we are dam well ready! Who's with me??????
It's called using your paid sick days.


Active Member
I am ok with going to work today, cause i am off again thurs and fri. In fact, i will be off every thurs and fri, plus the weekends until july, got alot of vacation days i gotta use before july 1st. Didn't mean to rub it in


Ah, the joys of not working at a recreation based job.
Unfortunately, I don't have those joys. I'm lucky I got my one day off - and that's only because of the torrential downpour.


Active Member
tobin- Tired and very short-fused today.
Still not smoking?
Puffer- That was just so very wrong. You DO mean to rub it in... like a marinade.....
Windmill- Yeah, I've been singing the only-got-one-dam-day-off-a-week blues too. We are better thn this!