not really new, but getting back into saltwater fish


Hey guys. I havent posted on here in a long time. This is because I sort of got out of my hobby of saltwater fish for awhile, but now I am trying to get back into it. I am pretty much starting from scratch, and Im not sure what size tank I will be getting, but I was hoping you guys could make some suggestions. I was thinking anywhere from a 29 gal-55 gal. And the fish I wanted to stock are:
flame angelfish,
coral beauty angel,
lemonpeel angel
marine betta(i know i would need to go with a larger aquarium for this one)
and a pair of ocellaris clowns
But I am open to any suggestions anyone may have. The inverts I wanted to stock are:
bubble tip anemone
some hermit crabs
peppermint and cleaner shrimp
linckia star fish
How does this sound?I am open to all suggestions.


Active Member
hi. i would go with a 75 gallon tank. the reason for this is, everyone seems to go bigger eventually. a 75 will give you some space to grow into.
you can't keep a marine betta with shrimp and small fish, because they are predators. they are not really in the betta family, but the grouper family. and, of course you know, they get big.
i think you should choose one of the 3 angels, instead of getting all of them. i don't think they will do well together.
i also suggest holding off on the anemone and the starfish until you've had your tank up for a while(maybe a year).
are you going to purchase a reef ready tank? i highly suggest yuo do, and implement a sump.
good luck!


Alright thanks. When I listed the fish, I wasnt planning on getting all of them, just a few that I was considering.I may rethink the marine betta then, if it cant go with the shrimp, or I could get a some type of goby that will keep the sand clean.
Yellow head sleeper goby are beutiful gobys to go with they sift the sand really good. But a 55 gallon is a good tank to start out with or whatever your budget can afford. Of course your going to pay more for a bigger tank but it pays off at the end.


ok sounds good.i will look that goby up. im calling around for the prices on the aquariums,and so far i have found a 55 gallon and a 40 gallon. the 55 is only like $20 more than the 40, so I might go with that.


Active Member
a 55 is tough to aquascape. it's only 12" front to back. i'd rethink that if i were you....
if a 75 is too big, you might go with a 50 (36 7/8 x 19 x 19 5/8)
just my .02

scopus tang

Active Member
If your looking for greater width, you might also consider a reef-ready 65gal. Its only 36" long, but is 18" wide, giving you more room for aquascaping. Personally, if I were starting another tank and had the room, I would consider a short, square tank. More room for aquascaping, and shallow enough for T5 light penetration. I think you could do some pretty cool aquascaping with this type of tank. Just some thoughts.


I think I might try to find a 50 gallon. Also I have thought of some different stocking ideas. I dont think I want any angel fish anymore, just incase I decide to put in some coral. So the stocking list as of now is:
Marine Betta(I read they can go with anemones and coral)
Ocellaris Clownfish
Sixline Wrasse
Diamond watchman goby
bubble tip anemone
linckia starfish
and maybe some coral
Any ideas to replace the angelfish?


Sorry for the double post. I think I may go with a 55 gallon. I have changed the stocking a little bit. The new list is:
2 of some type of clownfish, cant decide yet
2 firefish
bicolor pseudochromis
yellow watchman goby
sixline wrasse
other invertebrates
and coral
I really wanted to add an angelfish, but they arent really reef safe. Does anyone have any ideas for more fish?