not rocket science...just want some opinions


I am at a crossroad as I am starting my tank almost new ( I nuked it a week ago, I'll spare the details). I am trying to decide whether I should go aggressive or community. A few key points. It is a 125 with PC lighting. I am not planning on a reef today, but I have enough LR (130 lbs) to do so if I want to upgrade my lights. I already have a maroon clown and CB Butterfly and assorted softies (shrooms and GSP) that survived the nuking so they stay. Here are the options for the remainder.
V. Lion
Red Coris Wrasse
Purple Tang
Blue Throat Trigger
2 - 3 Firefish
Watchman Goby
Chevron Tang
Purple Tang (if it gets along with Chevron)
Some sort of Fairy Wrasse
Large Angel (Maculosus or Imperator)
Racoon Butterfly (potential risk to corals I know)
Others if bioload permits
OK, there it is. Just looking for some opinions so fire away.


Active Member
im going to say COMMUNITY just because i love how the chevron tang looks, but for angel check out the queen angel IMO the best looking one in the hobby:D :D :D


well if u go aggressive than the fish will eat yur corals but an angelfish will eat yur corals too so i would say make a new list.


Active Member
thats not always true about angels, their is a good chance that they will pick at corals but sometimes they do leave them alone


none of the fish you listed will bother any of the corals you have even the aggressive fish you listed should be ok with your corals


thanks for the thoughts. I'm not too worried about the aggressives and the corals. Before I nuked my tank I had a V. Lion and a Picasso Trigger in there. I know there is a risk with the others, but this is mostly a FOWLR tank. I don't have the lights for any major corals. If the fish nip at the corals, I'll just trade in the corals.
I think I will go community. I just like the idea of having a couple of more fish in the tank and the cleaners that you can't have with the aggressives. I'll miss the Lion, he was my favorite before he went belly up, but I'm sure I'll find a new favorite. :D


Well I guess I am going to just have to ask What happen to your tank or how did you nuke it come on dont spare the details.:eek:


sorry it took me a bit of time to respond. I wasn't checking the boards the past few days. I nuked my tank by trying to be creative. I do not have a refugium since it is a FOWLR tank, but I wanted to add one to help control the nitrates. The agressives put out a lot of waste and keep em high. So I got a tank to use as a fuge. configured the way I wanted. built the new plumbing. shut down the filter and got ready to make the switch only to find out I should have measured the tank I was going to use as a fuge. It did not fit. It looked like it was an inch or so from fitting if I could just get a little more space between the stand and the wall. I took some advice from an LFS near me and drained about 60% of the water and took all of the rock out to make it so I could move the tank. I got a neighbor to help and we moved the 125 about 6 in further from the wall and of course the fuge tank still did not fit. Annoyed does not begin to cover it. So we moved the tank back and I put the water back into the main tank. In the process of all of this, I think what happened is that I shifted the sandbed signifcantly and let out all of the little nasties. Caused a big ammonia spike and killed my picasso trigger, my v. lionfish who was eating frozen foods like crazy and my regal tang. Moral of the story, measure measure measure.


wow some very nice fish to loose. sorry for your lose. I had to move my 55 a week ago and I had to do the same tar down but I have CC and it didnt seem to mess anything up, a little cloudy at first but cleared up qick and all my fish seem well at the moment.


I have a 55 community -1 maronn clown,1 indian yellowtail angelfish,1 marine betta,1 purple tang,1 arc eye hawkfish,1 antennana lionfish,with the right combo yes you can have your loin fish.