swf luvr
New Member
Hey Guys!
This is my very post and I actually came across this site by accident. I really wish I came across this site years ago when I was trying to make my 60 gal Salt Water Reef tank work. I went at it all wrong and blindly I might add. I trusted my LFS and of course it didn't work. I tried to successfully keep a salt water tank three times but to no avail.
I am a bit knowledgeable about most of the stuff through that bad experience. I've had experience with skimmers, wet/dry filter, UV light sterilizer, PH, powerheads and overflows. I also had two flourescent lights which was white and blue. I don't know the lingo for that yet.
I've had spent BUNDLES of money trying to make it work. I've tried corals such as mushrooms, star polyps, anemone, brains. That's just the the beginning...i've also had powder blue tangs, blue tangs, yellow tangs, flame angel, mandarin gobe, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, snails, majestic angel, moorish idol, damsels, perculas, maroons...tried them all and lost them all.
Reading from this thread has really intrigued me to start again. I read on this forum with people only having 10 gal tanks who are successful in keeping such beautiful reef/nanos.
Can someone give me the breakdown of what I need to start only with a 10 gal. I look at most of the specs that these successful guys have and they don't even have wet/dry or skimmers on their tanks and it still works.
Please advice!
SWF luver
This is my very post and I actually came across this site by accident. I really wish I came across this site years ago when I was trying to make my 60 gal Salt Water Reef tank work. I went at it all wrong and blindly I might add. I trusted my LFS and of course it didn't work. I tried to successfully keep a salt water tank three times but to no avail.
I am a bit knowledgeable about most of the stuff through that bad experience. I've had experience with skimmers, wet/dry filter, UV light sterilizer, PH, powerheads and overflows. I also had two flourescent lights which was white and blue. I don't know the lingo for that yet.
I've had spent BUNDLES of money trying to make it work. I've tried corals such as mushrooms, star polyps, anemone, brains. That's just the the beginning...i've also had powder blue tangs, blue tangs, yellow tangs, flame angel, mandarin gobe, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, snails, majestic angel, moorish idol, damsels, perculas, maroons...tried them all and lost them all.
Reading from this thread has really intrigued me to start again. I read on this forum with people only having 10 gal tanks who are successful in keeping such beautiful reef/nanos.
Can someone give me the breakdown of what I need to start only with a 10 gal. I look at most of the specs that these successful guys have and they don't even have wet/dry or skimmers on their tanks and it still works.
Please advice!
SWF luver