Not sure what it is...


New Member
i recently took up the fish hobbie! i have had a fresh water tank for some time now, so my husband and i thought we would try a salt water tank. Everything seems to be going perfect! we had one clown fish and 1 damsel. however recently i bought a second clown fish and he was fine for about 1 week then i noticed white spots on him but he was still feeding and swimming fine. A couple days later i noticed him not swimming so much so i took the 3 fish i have out and put them un my QT. Unfortunantly the new clown did not make it.(i think i was to late :( I figured it was ich so i planned on leaving the fish in QTfor 6 to 8 weeks. when i took the fish out I had noticed white little bugs all over on my glass and rocks and i freaked and thought, "oh no! bad case of ich!" so i researched it and i think it may be some pods... not sure though. can some one please help me out! thank you so much!


Well-Known Member
You will not see ich on surfaces in the tank. The white spots you see on fish are tiny cysts in the skin while the parasite inside matures. It cannot do that on the glass, so it isn't ich you are seeing. Photos might help, but usually those things are pods, and are a good thing. Keep you dt fishless for about 6 weeks, and in the meantime hypo the qt to be sure that you don't reintroduce ich with the fish when you return them to the dt.


Staff member
Try looking at the picture examples of ich in the Diseased Fish Thread to see if you can positively identify what your fish had. There is info, as well in the FAQ Thread, which will help you with treatment.
Great to see a new hobbyist who has set up a quarantine tank. You are a step ahead of many others.


New Member
Thank you so much! I'm happy to know that the little critters are a good thing! i googled the pods and i can identify them with some pics! Salt Water tanks are so amazing for what happen with in them. so much life!