not sure where it went


New Member
ok so i just got 3 fish in my 90 gallon fowlra false perc, a coral beauty, and a firefox... this afternoon when i was lookin at the fish i didnt see the firefox... so i looked all over the tank for it hoping that it was not dead (i had just gotten them yest) none of them seemed to fight at all and there dont seem to be any stray voltage. and when i finnaly found him he was in my overflow that drains down to my sump... just chillin there. so i moved him back into the tank and then now when i looked for him again... nowhere to be found... not anywhere around the tank on the floor... not in his earlier "hiding spot"... no rocks seemed to have moved to pin him... im not really too sure about this fish if its normal to hide or what. if anyone has any ideas or whatever that would be great...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Is there another name for a firefox? It is not ringing any bells for me.
Same here. Firefish?, Foxface?


Originally Posted by Anonome
Same here. Firefish?, Foxface?
That was what I was thinking, then went through my book. I still couldn't figure it out


New Member
sorry guys yeah it was a firefish goby sorry about that... i guess foxfire sounded cooler at the time... but in all seriousness what do ya think happened


Originally Posted by racer1113
sorry guys yeah it was a firefish goby sorry about that... i guess foxfire sounded cooler at the time... but in all seriousness what do ya think happened
Have you checked all around the floor? He could be hiding, but they are expert jumpers and can squeeze through places that you would not think possible. Do you have pets? He could still be in the tank hiding though.


New Member
yeah i have some but they are outside at all times... i did a pretty good check around it... there is really only one place it coulda jumped and i looked like 5 feet around that spot and nothin... im hopin that its just hiding or sleepin or something idk.., ill keep ya informed


Have any live rock? If so could be in there. My purple firefish has found a hole in the rock where it stays almost all the time,except for feeding time


New Member
hey guys when i woke up this morning he was chillin in the middle of the tank. he was prob in the rock and hiding or sleepin errr sumthing... sorry to get all railed up. and thank you for helping me with suggestions.


Active Member
You're lucky man. I just had a Fridmani that pulled the same thing. I pulled everything out the tank twice, searched the floor around the tank for a 10' radius (which included the Christmas tree), and finally just gave up.
I'm assuming I'll see an ammonia spike if he's still in there, but nothing yet.