note from a former shark


Active Member
Hello all. Just thought I would explain a little to my former message board friends.
I have been away for awhile now because I have recently gone through a seperation after a marrige of 7 years. To skip all the details I now have full custody of my two daughters (7 and 4). I am a single dad trying to raise two girls by myself. It is a full time job in itself.
I dont really have time to visit the board much these days but I do stop by from time to time. It was fun being a shark while it lasted. Thanks, it was a fun ride.
You've got quite a job there raising your children. Been there, done that. I got divorced when my kids were not quite one and three. Raised them alone for many years before I met and married my present husband. No child support, of course. Many of us have walked a mile (or two...or ten) in your shoes and can understand fully what you are talking about. God Bless you for caring enough about your children to do this.
May the wings of angels envelope your home.
Try to drop by now and then!


Active Member
I have been there myself on the other end of things.
My father had to raise me and my sister from the time we were pups due to a marriage that didn't last. He struggled with us and we struggled with him but, in the end of it all I love him more than I could ever imagine.
Keep up your good work with the family and I wish the best of luck to you. Stop in and chat when you have a chance. :)


Active Member
Sorry to hear about the divorce. But I would like to thank you for all the help you have given myself and all the other people here. Good luck to you and yours.

nm reef

Active Member
Great to hear from you. No explanations needed as far as I'm concerned. You were and continue to be a valued member...moderator or not!
I wish you and the kids all the best....and stop by whenever you can.


Active Member
When I first joined this bb you gave me lots good advise. I hope you drop by whenever you can. I'm sorry about the divorce, but I'm glad you have your kids. You will never regret it. ( except for the teenage years :eek: )


I feel for ya. I am in the exact same situation. Single father, two daughters. It gets really difficult sometimes because I know I should spend more time with them but, it is difficult for a 31 year old man to play barbie's and stuph.....