nothing will live



Don't Look at ZD's post.
Great advice there.

Who cycles with live fish? Your not going to make any friends around here with that talk.


Originally Posted by zdthompson
from reading this and im going to sound verry mean but im going to try to be as nice as i can.we have done our cycle on our first tank and did alot of reserch before we started.
You need to stop and read up on how to set up at SW tank. also you need to stop and save your money up insted of just skimping. you are going to be looking at about $500 bucks for live ---- for a 55 and about $50 in CC ( have it in mine and it works fine switching to a coat of LS ina few months)
our BASIC set up is fallows
$250 tank hood and stand
$30 new lights
$500 for 100 pounds of live rock
$250 wet/dry
$35 Crushed coral
$40 starter fish to get the tank up and cycleing
$20 on clean up crew ( turbos and crab)
$20 salt
Total $1145 for BASIC set up
so SLOWWWWWW down and save up and read up!
I didn't know male chickens were going at such a high rate or I would've moved some of my stock to agriculture.
So Sloooooooooooooooowwwwwwww down and spell check.


Originally Posted by huskychasrs
Don't Look at ZD's post.
Great advice there.

Who cycles with live fish? Your not going to make any friends around here with that talk.
Now I'm lmao
.I would also add to this, don't read whatever he was reading! For one, cycle with $40 worth of fish, are you nuts? And two, why would you be telling them to buy crushed coral, when you yourself want to put a 'coat' of sand over it? That's a disaster waiting to happen. Cc is fine if you want a fish only tank. It will still be hard to take care of though. Please go and read this thread through again and both of you will benefit if you just listen. Now I'm the one that didn't mean to be
Yes do slow down like the rest of the guys are saying. BUT imo dont buy CC becuase i have about 55lbs in my tank and its driving me crazy and buring me up
. Its a NEVER ending battle to keep the tank clean and keeping the NITRATES down. I'm in the process of waiting for my LR and live sand to arrive and put them in the proper way


Active Member
Originally Posted by zdthompson
... $500 bucks for live rock for a 55 and about $50 in CC ( have it in mine and it works fine switching to a coat of LS ina few months) our BASIC set up is fallows
$250 tank hood and stand
$30 new lights
$500 for 100 pounds of live rock
$250 wet/dry
$35 Crushed coral
$40 starter fish to get the tank up and cycleing
$20 on clean up crew ( turbos and crab)
$20 salt
Total $1145 for BASIC set up
so SLOWWWWWW down and save up and read up!
I would change a few things:
1. You cannot add sand over CC. By doing that you trap detritus in the CC and make it impossible to clean (unless you want to vaccuum out your sand).
2. I would personally go with sump/refugium over wet/dry
3. Avoid CC like Ebola
4. Avoid starter fish. Much better ways to cycle a tank.
In addition, you need to figure in test kits, RO water (or RO/DI filter), heaters, powerheads, etc.


What do ya'll think about Bio-Spira from Marineland Labs for aid in cycling? My hubby put it in the QT and it seems to be running fine. We recieved the packet free last year, but for anyone wanting to try it, keep in mind, it is expensive! Just over $30 to treat 50 gallons. And that's where we shop. Most lfs charge double than that. Golly, this is an expensive hobby, isn't it?


Active Member
Under close examination I think packaged bacteria is more or less a hoax.
The whole point of your tank cycling is to allow the bacteria time to establish an equillibrium. Throwing a bunch of bacteria in the water doesn't seem to address the real issue with a cycle.
My opinion.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Under close examination I think packaged bacteria is more or less a hoax.
The whole point of your tank cycling is to allow the bacteria time to establish an equillibrium. Throwing a bunch of bacteria in the water doesn't seem to address the real issue with a cycle.
My opinion.
Hmmmm... well, I guess the only way to know is to test it. Seems like a lot of money to test it oneself. But we tried it cuz it was free, like I said. The QT was up and running before he added it, so I don't know what came first...the chicken or the egg!


Active Member
Just put a piece of raw shrimp from the grocery store in your tank to cycle...or just use LR, it will make the tank cycle w/o the shrimp. If I were you I would read a book, it lays it all down for you. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist is a good one as is The New Marine Aquarium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kirkreynolds
... And i thought you dont want cc in your tank because it is hard to clean?
Correct, in addition to it is not ideal habitat for many aquarium creatures.


As bad as it sounds, you really need to take back anything live and get store credit for later, and start over. You mentioned it was ***** where you bought your stock from. If they wont give you credit, find a place near you that will and convert your business to them for all future purchases.
For your 55 gal you need around 50-60 lbs of live rock to get started. I would buy from an online vendor, such as this site, or any other, uncured liverock so that you may cycle without harming any storebought livestock.
You also need to decide if you want to maintain a sandbed for additional filtration. If you do, use the calculator on the left of this page to see how much sand you need to get started. I started with live sand at first and 6 mo ago switched to bare bottom and couldnt be happier. If you buy livesand, buy legit livesand not home depot sand which will release silicates and cause algae blooms.
Once you decide on substrate, mix up salt mix with reverse osmosis de-ionized water. If you use tap water you will have horrible problems with loss of life and algae. You can get RODI water at walmart or any quality fish store(LFS). You can also but your own RODI unit from an online vendore and set it up yourself.
Let the rock and sand sit for a month (more or less depending on test outcomes) with lots of flow. For flow you need powerheads that will move large amounts of gallons per hour. On my 58 gal I have 2 maxi jet 1200s, 1 MJ 400, and another MJ900 for my skimmer. I use an aqua c remora hang on skimmer which you can also find online for fialry cheap. The skimmer will vastly improve water quality as compared to a reg filter. Once your tank is stable with tests running-ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate +/-20ppm you can now add some snails and hermits to clean up any algae.
I replace any evaporation with RODI water and do I 5 gallon water change with 24hr old mixed salt and RODI water once a week. This will help keep your levels(nitrite, nitrate, ammonia) in check. You should also shoot to maintain a specific gravity of 1.025 at all times. Specific gravity is the amount of salt in the water. The best way to test for this is with a device called a refractometer witch is also avail online at many vendors.
Once everything is testing 0 (or for nitrates less than 20) you may add 1 small fish and wait at least 2 weeks to be sure your tank is ready to sustain new livestock. After 2 weeks perhaps add 1 more fish and replenish some of your cleaning crew but not many new creatures at once.
If you can successfully do this then you are ready to maintai n you own personal world of life. If this seems like too much for a simple fish, then perhaps it is the wrong hobby for you. Remember, anything you put in your tank is that animal's one chance at life so it is you responsibility to maintain it.
After having extreme patience in the beginning, this has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. Please respect the task you are undertaking. Good Luck! PM me if any questions, I check this site daily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kirkreynolds
when buying the testing equipment what test do i need to buy besides the nitrite,nitrate,and ammonia?
pH, phosphate, alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium.


Kirk where are you located, maybe someone on the board close to you can keep your fish while you cycle. Or maybe even find someone local that will help you out. Dont trust all LFS some just want your money, others really care about the fish. When I first started I went to a ton of LFS in my area, and asked questions, and cross-checked the answers. You will know when someone really cares about the safety of the fish. Like the guy at the LFS I go to says "Questions are free, nothing is secret or a mystery."


Originally Posted by alfred30
Kirk where are you located, maybe someone on the board close to you can keep your fish while you cycle. Or maybe even find someone local that will help you out. Dont trust all LFS some just want your money, others really care about the fish. When I first started I went to a ton of LFS in my area, and asked questions, and cross-checked the answers. You will know when someone really cares about the safety of the fish. Like the guy at the LFS I go to says "Questions are free, nothing is secret or a mystery." are lucky to have a ton of LFS to go to and check out their knowledge. When we started out, we had a choice of a national chain store and a rinky dinky hole in the wall store. And I would say he charges an arm and a leg, but you would also need to throw in some internal organs! HA! Not to mention, his tanks were never really clean looking. It took us a while to find the lfs we got to now and even much longer to find this site!


Well I guess thats the benefit of living in Miami,FL. It's funny I have been coming to this site since march, but I never really joined the forums cause I didn't have much input and it seems alot of people have had the same questions as I have. As far as the chains I have a ***** thats walking distance(which has no saltwater fish or anything for that matter) and another two that are less than 15 mins away but they dont have anything that I would buy that isn't supplies.
Its interesting that some stores have really nice corals but their fish are umm ok. While others have nice fish but not so nice corals