notty fish

i got a shrimp today and it was hanging out in the castle in my tank and that is where my tang always hangs out could he have killed the shrimp it was alive when i left and when i came back it was dead. i aslo have two clown fish and the first one i got is seams to bully the other one around is that normal?Also my yellow tang hides everytime i walk by the tank or if he hears a noise are they usually scared?


Active Member
how long have you had the tang?
my folks used to have a freshwater tank with 2 little sharks a male and female and she would beat the male back into the corner where he would hang upside down he never left because everytime he did she would beat him back into it then she died and a few weeks later he came out of the corner and swam happily around till he died .i dont know about clowns though are they the same --- because i heard here that if you have more than one clown it should be a mated pair.


Active Member
clownfish normal give it a few days, are they the same size? one needs to be bigger than the other, tang in a 55 not good was the shrimp chewed on?, possibly a molt, if neither probably bad water parameters or improper acclimation...tobin