Nova Extreme LED issues


Well, I bought my nova extreme used, and everything works flawlessly other than the leds. The First LED, the one all the way to the right, works 100% properly, nice and bright. The other 3 however are very dim, and dont in any way light up the tank.
Whats the best approach to take here?


What is probably happening is the step down transformer for the LEDs
is weak or shorted. You could try and match up the output voltage which is usually 12 volt (V) and the milli amps (MA) and replace it.
Or its salt corrosion on the connections to the LEDs>
IMO its easier to retro fit a new luner set into the assembly
Hope this helps


The transformer is 6v, and I tested it with a voltmeter adn it reads right around 6v.
Id have to take the light down and pull the bulbs and reflectors to check the leds, but there behind the refelctors and the acrylic protector so I doubt thats the issue, but ill tare it apart tonight and have a look.
How would I put a new setup in?
Any other Ideas guys?