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Well if that is the case then what should I buy for lighting.
The nova looks great built in fans splash guard legs dont cost more etcc. Seriously I want to be able to place anything I want in the tank without worries but im not rich. i can't afford to put 1k into lights then buy the bulbs. I want the best bang for the buck. I need 48 inch lights with everything for under 400 bucks or my wife is going to shut it DOWN !!! If someone can show me better lights MH whatever it is for under that price range with everything included and not having to build a canopy etc I am all ears...
Unfortunately, there is no new lighting you can get for that price range that will do what you want it to do. sorry, but the best bet is the Nova Extreme Pro, but again, you'll need to replace the lamps shortly after purchasing them. See if you can find a good used retro fit MH setup and do a canopy. Also, you can get an Icecap MH retro for 225, but that's only one 250 watt jobber. You'll need 2. Then you could do any kind of actinic supplement you wanted with it. It wont have to be anything special as far as actinics go, but you'll want at least 2 4' jobbers. You can get a T5 ballast and some tombstones then a couple bulbs. Should be able to do this for about 80-90 bucks, lamps included. Then go to wally world, get a selectable voltage DC power supply, and a 3 gang LED light kit from the automotive section. Wallah! moonlights. For about 30 dollars. Less maybe even. Build this as you go if need be, start with the MH's and the canopy.
Lighting is possibly the larget single investment in this hobby,. If you cant afford to buy the lighting, you might want to consider another hobby. I dont mean this to be rude, I'm not rich myself. My wallet gets panicky looking at some of those prices. You need to be sure that you get something that can grow with you, the MH's will do that. This will save you money later, though the lamp replacement cost will be a tad bit more. But if coughing up the cash to make the initial investment is difficult, it's a good way to go.