

Whoa!! Very cool Tony, thanks for the links:D I cant wait till mine puts a little @$$ on:D
I guess living in my tank is better than some of the things that could happen to them eh? lol


Novice: I was recently told that a Bonnethead in a tank with corners will result in the shark beating his eyes out of his head. My supplier told me that they need to be in round type tanks. This won't be a problem for you, will it?


Saltfisher: There is no disputing the fact that a round tank, or a tank with rounded edges, is the better option in the long run for these, and other sharks. If it's feasible for a shark's tank not to have any flat walls, then that's the route I'd recommend.
That being said, I also think that some people take this "option" and over exaggerate it into an "absolute must." The problem is only seen when a shark is startled while in a closed container. If there are walls, he'll try to find a way past them. Round or flat, it doesn't matter. For the other 99.9% of the time, when the shark is cruising, he can see/sense the walls and will avoid contact.
Bottom line, an aquarium wall is just that ... an artificial barrier that the shark would not encounter in the wild, and whether curved or flat, will take some getting used to.


That's cool. Just wanted to know if you were aware of this issue. Like you said, I was told that it was a must. Not for all sharks, but Bonnetheads, due to the position of their eyes. How's he doing, anyway? Has it gotten any bigger? Feed us some new pics.


Novice, just wondering where you got the bonnet? I have been looking for one and haven't found a supplier. I even went on vacation in South Carolina to fish for them and was unsuccessful. Any info you can pass along will be appreciated.:confused: