NOVICE150 how many Bamboo sharks


im building a 360gal tank and was wondering how 3 bamboo sharks will do in it. the dimentions are 8feet long 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall? also looking for ne other sugg on fish that i could put in there with them thanks


well im not sure how many sharks can fit in that tank but im sure 3 is a definate max and just a suggestion why get 3 bamboos? y dont u get a bamboo an eppalaut and a horn..try and mix it up. But just a suggestion im still not sure if those 3 are possible in that tank.Good luck building..i hope i can figure out how to build a tank around that size.


I agree. 3 adult sharks could put a strain on the system/become cramped. It would however, take quite some time for 3 babies to reach adult size.
I'm with Cdubbs, IMHO a variety would be cool. Perhaps an epaulette, bamboo, and yellow ray? Have you seen AC's tank?
I like tangs, damsels, and clowns for tank mates.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by tdragon
im building a 360gal tank and was wondering how 3 bamboo sharks will do in it. the dimentions are 8feet long 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall? also looking for ne other sugg on fish that i could put in there with them thanks

If you're still building I would make it 3 feet wide and 2 feet tall. It will make everything much easier. Tall tanks are a pain in the duff.


cool. I just couldnt hand feed him anymore. Glad you took him. My groupers are fatter than ever though!