

I your big shark post you said you were having trouble finding tankmates. When you added these former tankmates were they attacked because of the stress of being just introduced to the tank? I mean put the intended in a 'shark cage' until they both have chilled but can still sense each other and have calmed down.
Just an idea.


Some were attacked for that reason (my fault) some weren't. The shark kills the fish on a pretty random basis. I've had a few last for up to a few months. I've seen 3 get killed during feeding, a couple when first added, several have disappeared overnight, and I've even seen him turn on a fish for no reason. Once he does this, he wont stop chasing the fish until he corners it.
I'm sure there is a fish out there that would survive. But after seeing my wife get SO upset when she saw the Gerabaldi get killed, and after spending 100's on fish, I'm loosing hope.
It's not that I'm complaining. I built the tank just for sharks, and if that's all I can have then so be it. It's in the black tip's nature to hunt down and eat small fish. However, it would be nice to add some color to the tank.
The idea about the "shark cage" may work, may not. I say "may not" because one of the main things which triggers him to attack is an eratic/distressed fish. I worry he may injure himself trying to get at it. Even if that's not the case, I don't think he'd forget about the fish once released.


What about a large grouper? Would the size of the fish give it better chances? Although, Im sure once the blacktip figures out he can eat anything he really wants, it doesn't stand a chance.


You should try a large grouper or snapper. Emperor snappers are colorful and grow to a large size. Here is a pic of my 18" Blue grouper. Grouper


I may just have to try a very large grouper. My attempts so far with groupers have failed, due to their size I'm sure.
triggeraa: Your grouper is really nice! If I can find one like that I'll surely give it a go.:)


My LFS has a tank with a lemon shark and a black tip reef shark in it. he has had the same problem with them eating every kind of fish. Even 2 large groupers ended up getting ripped apart.
He finally had a tessy eel he put in there and neither of the sharks mess with him at all. the eel is around 4 feet long. just a thought maybe you could put a large golden or tessy moray eel in there for a little different look


the only thing with adding a big grouper is the bioload would almost be the same as another shark... IMO, I would rather see another shark verse a grouper which will probably hide on you....
catch some pin fish to give you some movement and you will also be giving your sharks fresh feeders!!! they are pretty cool because they school togeher...
novice... when are you posting new pics!


Splash: I was just talking to my shark connection about that today. Why add a 10lb grouper just to say I have another fish? Heck, I might as well add another shark:D Pin fish? I assume this is a sw bait fish? If so, would you care to catch me some? lol Not too many oceans here in CO.:) I may just have to go take some pics tonight. I finally got around to installing some trim around the window, looks MUCH better.
In terms of the eels: I considered adding a large eel. I actually have a big black edged moray in another tank. While I'm certain he could hold his own against the black tip, I worry he'll eat my bamboo.


Here's one taken tonight. I'm also going to post several in the photography section, including some of their feeding.


Hey Novice
The tanks is looking amazing. Guess you dont watch tv anymore since you got the black tip. I didnt get a chance to take pictures of the tank at work. I will hopefully get a chance this weekend or next weekend.
sorry about it.


Novice - what kind of shark would you add if you were going to add another shark? How much more do you think you can add to that tank before it becomes maxed out?


Well, in a perfect world I would add another black tip, a bonnet head, a smoothhound, a southern stingray, and another bamboo! :D
But of course that's completely unrealistic.:( The bio load in my tank is actually low pretty low right now. In its current state, it's even a bit under stocked IMO. But, it will not stay that way. My sharks are small and have alot of growing to do.


No, I doubt the black tip would eat either of those puffers. But I've had a bad experience with those two in the past. They like to nip at the bottom dwelling sharks fins, and during feeding I had one bite a shark in the face.

joe r.

New Member
Ahhh. I feel for ya. BTW your tank has me and my buddy all worked up about building one in his basement. Not nearly as big. I saw the plans on garf a long time ago but wondered how long the wood would hold up. But after seeing a huge tank like that we have decided on doing a corner tank in a the shape of a isocele's triangle (spelling?) It will measure out to about 180 gals. and a 6 foot long viewing area. Any ways great job. And nice moose. had one like that give me quite a startle when fly fishing this last summer. good thing for the dog.
P.S. do you have a lot of experience with carpentry?


In Scott's book he say's somthing about pilot fish and sharks. The pilots act a cleaners. If I remember correctly a site that was just bought out by a couple of doctors used to carry them. I thought about getting a couple my self except they grow large.


NOVICE you could also get a pair of lookdown jacks. IMO they would look really neat. A lfs by me had a pair of those that were light 8 in. diameter in a shark tank and they added really nice movemnt. The silver on them is really cool.