Im assuming some kind of pest anemone but it is quite different from any MOJANO if we choose to go that route, has very active tentacles that are kind of "sectioned" and not smooth textured.. ANY IDEAS?
I think we have "BINGO" Viper... I thought it was a pest, but this thing is growing fast and id NOT a pest and will even host Clarkii's. Cool hitchhiker on a piece of LF that Ive had in my tank for over a year... very strange how things appear out of nowhere!
I have to welcome both of you to the Flower rock anemone club, i have 6 in one nano, get addition, grow fast and don't move that much. They are not common to host anything but will not hrm anything eitheir
YOu may also wish to compare against Phymanthus (google it and go to first site) which is one I received. Similar, except there are differences in the little "side branches" off the main tentacle.
Locally, it has been called the "borneman anemone"
because he had a citing early are two of his pics (look at the additional bits on the "beads")