now that i got posting down here is my tank


the only bad thing is my sebae has hidden in the rocks and will not come out since i put the 2 400's in might have to take and trade in on a long tipped or carpet that will like the higher water flow


Active Member

Originally posted by Durabane
I think that is why my coraline is doing so will I keep the water flowing to spread the spores around and keeps the bad hair and other algeas down

plus, in a reef, corals need a lot more movement than just a FOWLR. im thinkg of investing in another sweeper.. :thinking:


tank time about 5 months flower pot little over a month had very little color when i bought it but have been feeding photplex and it has started to greem back up


looking at a dragon goby but want to make sure it will be reef safe and will get along with the rest of my fish where is what i have a very docile tank 3 fire fish 1 jewled or princess damsel 1 royal gramma 2 true percs 1 yellow tang 1 scooter dragonet 2 emerald crabs 2 cleaner shrimp 2 peppermint shrimp dozen zebra hermits and about 30 tubro snails. Corals are a mix of zoos both polyp and colony several mushrooms and ricos a gornopia flower pot varity brista rock with 9 mini feather dusters and a sebae anenome all in a 100 gallon tank with about 130# LR