now that I have hypo.....(Beth)


I've had two tangs in hypo for 3 weeks. One is a Scopas Tang and one is a Powder Brown tang. They both went in with equal amounts of Ich. I would say that it is moderate. The hypo is a eclipse 10 gallon. I followed Beth's wonderful step-by-steps. I lowered the salinity to 1.009 over the course of 3 1/2 days. I've kept up with feeding them and have been soaking their food in a little bit of freshly pressed garlic.
I've been removing/redripping 5 gallons of tank (than RO added to make 1.009) water twice a week to handle the nitrate/nitrite increases.
Riddle me this Batman: My Scopas looks beautiful. No ich. Very normal mannerisms. The Powderbrown looks worse. I also believe that he has a bacteria infection in his eye. His ich has increased in quanitity and is protruding more from his skin. The mannerisms have stayed the same: eating, swimming alot, erect posture.
What do I do. I only have the ability to have one quaranty tank. When do I decide to try and treat them separatly? Should I try some copper?
Thanks in advance.
I will eagerly answer any follow up questions. I want to save this fish.


Staff member
You are having nitrite problems? That is not good. Did you just set the QT up for this treatment? Also, what are you using to measure salinity?


The QT was set up a week prior to fish being added. I test the salinity with a swing arm refract. I don't allow the nitrate/nitrites to get too red. I just switch out 50% of the water with display tank water and ro dripped back in.
I had the carbon filter and barrel filter soaking in my sump prior to qt set up. I used a handfull of sand. Is the QT set up wrong? The salinity is 1.009. Sorry about two threads. I was in the wrong room and wanted to get this in this room.


Staff member
A swing arm hydrometer is not a refractometer. The type of instrument you are using is useless, especially for hyposalinity. Can you get a refractometer, or a quality glass hydrometer?


Yes, I can purchase one sometime this week. Is it possible that I'm not even in hyposalinity? But, aside from that. Let's pretend that I am 1.009. What do you think of one tang improving and showing no signs and the other getting worse? Do I need to think about separating? Should I look into a chemical treatment? I've compared the picts to the diseased fish forum and I am fairly positive that I'm dealing with Ich. The only odd thing is that one of the eyes on the powderbrown (fish not improving) looks like there is pealing skin. Anyway. Thanks Beth.


Staff member
I'm afraid that swingarms are so way off the mark that not only are they not adequate for hyposalinity, they should not be used for any purpose in the hobby.
I think that fish get ich at different rates in the parasite's life-cycle. If you read the FAQ post on ich, you may understand that. It is sorta like, I get a cold today, but you get a cold 3 days from now. The virus will run thru me first because I got the cold first. Ich is a cyclical parasite and will likely reappear on the other tang unless you can get very precise with your salinity level.


Active Member
Get a refractometer. They are much more accurate and easy to read. You can buy them on this site for $50. You can buy them on the big auction site for a bit less (about $30). Just make sure you get one with automatic temperature compensation (ATC).


Hey Abe...this is from a post a made a few months ago...
I just wanted to share a recent experience. I'm very new to the saltwater aquarium hobby having inherited a tank and some fish from a relative about a month and a half ago. He didn't have a hydrometer so I picked up a plactic hydrometer shortly after setting things back up and religiously used it as I did my water checks. According to it, everything was fine...just on the high end of the boundaries. Unfortunately an outbreak of Ich occured, and I began dropping the salinity level in order to induce hypo. After reading about refractometers and hearing that they are a necessity when performing hypo I ordered one with the plan of using my plastic hydrometer to monitor the salt levels until the refractometer arrived and I would use it for the final adjustments. According to that plactic piece of "garbage" I was right where I needed things to be...only to receive my refractometer and find out that I wasn't even close!!! This really scares high was my salinity when when everything began??? There is a significant difference in readings between the much so that I don't see how anyone could possible have faith in a plastic hydrometer. Yes...there is a price attached to a refractometer...but certainly one that is well worth paying.


Staff member
Refractometers are the most accurate. There is info on them in the FAQ Thread. Good investment, IMO.


Ok, I have purchased a refractometer online. I should have it in a couple of days. I will than make sure that my salinity is absolutly correct.
How about my other questions? Or are they unanswerable until the hypo is confirmed or corrected?
Update: The Scopas tang is unchanged. He is in great shape. The Powderbrown has obviously entered the cycle where the ich has released. Overnight, all of the ich released from his body. He does have a little "loose, flaky skin" on his eye. So, they are both eating well and exibit good attitudes.
Thanks for the help guys. No doubt the refract will help. And, as my wife can confirm, I really like to buy things for the critters.


Staff member
The fish may get secondary bacterial infections due to ich. Try target feeding this fish 3x a day with quality foods that have been soaked in fresh garlic. Look at the garlic post in the FAQ Thread for info on this. This may help prevent an infection and help out with the ich.
When does the refract arrive? Have you been checking your pH??


Beth. My refract arrived today. I was at 1.010 thinking I was at 1.009. Both of my fish are starting to look wonderful. My Powderbrown was not looking good and he has just a little scratchy looking spot on his eye. I'm gonna start my 3 week count today. pH has been fine. The only water problem has been that the nitrates/trites have been flying way up every four days. I've done the garlic thing 2 times a week and will continue to. Thanks.


Staff member
Yes, now you will need to start anew with the timing in hypo. Try doing a daily water change to keep nitrites down, add some sand from your display into the QT, perhaps add a small PH to add water circulation to the surface of the water [if necessary].


Thanks Beth. I'll keep you posted on my tangs' health. I feel so scientific with my new refractometer. I will certainly pull that out when visitors say: "A tank like that must be a lot of hard work." Look at how smart I must be to use equipment like this.



Staff member
Originally Posted by abethedog
I feel so scientific with my new refractometer. I will certainly pull that out when visitors say: "A tank like that must be a lot of hard work." Look at how smart I must be to use equipment like this.

You've joined the club. lol That exactly what I do.


Active Member
Refractometers are cool, kinda like otoscopes and opthalmoscopes. be sure you wear a lab coat when you test your water!!! lol


The tangs have been ich free for two weeks. Working on three. I think they are getting lonely for their fish friends.
Ich freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Hypo Works!