Now thats strange


I have an older Sea Test Aquarium Specific Gravity meter and I just purchased a new one. The new one read a reading of 1.025 and the old one read 1.022. Both are the type with the guage (not the floating type). Anyone else have similiar experiences and how do I know which one is acurate????

mr . salty

Active Member
This is common.Most gauges we use to determine salinity are very inacurate.
This could be caused by a number of things,
How old is the old one??
Did you "cure" the new one??
(fill it with salt water and let it sit for 24 hours before using)
Tenp diference between tests.
To determine wich is true,you could take a sample to y a couple LFS's and compair results. but this may just further confuse you...
The most accurate of all gauges is a GLASS HYDROMETER.
These are a bit tricky to read,and you must adjust the reading for water temp,,but other than a couple hundred dollar electronic devise,thay are the best....


The Coral life gauge stated to break in the specific gravity meter by putting swater in it for 24 hours but the Aquarium systems (sea test) did not. Should I and what does breaking it in do?