Now THIS is a weird question


I usually clean my skimmer in the kitchen sink. Well, needless to say, after 3 months whenever I run water in the sink, I get a funky smell reminiscent of, shall we say, skimmate. Is there a product that will get rid of that smell? I've tried baking soda, but it's still there. And yes, I'm old enough to remember "Housitosis" but I don't remember what the product was to cure it.
Anybody got a solution?


Fill pipes with baking soda, then pour in vinegar and quickly stop both drains and hold down, the 2 will make a mini bomb which will burst loose any icky stuff sticking to drain pipes. Works well for unstopping so maybe it will help you. Obviously not dangerous but messy, so be sure to hold down plug.
Let us know if this helps


Let the water run until its as hot as it gets. Take 2 whole lemons and cut them in half. Stuff the 4 halves down the drain and let the hot water and disposal run for a minute. Should take away any smell