NOW what do I do?


Cripe..I got home today..I had about 15 Scarlett hermits on my rug! (kids got to the tank)
I scooped em all up..they are all alive but for how long? How will I know if theyre dead? Do I need to remove them...will they foul the tank? :confused:


Hello,Thank god for kids.I would leave them, if they die it will be food for something else.Good luck. USA


The live ones will eat the dead ones so you have nothing to worry about. Might want to set up barb wire around your tank though ;)


Thank you so much! I was hoping I wouldnt have to tear the tank down if they did die.
Now I hope everyone else is ok..everyone was hiding except my Perculas..
Last year when I had my 90 up, (freshwater) they fed the tank mashed potatoes and cheese on Thanksgiving..


Active Member
The hermits should be fine. In my experience they are some of the toughest critters there are. I have had a scarlet the was a hitchhiker on some rock and spent alot of time out of the water and has ridden out two cycles. One in my 90 and again in a 10g. So your kids should be minor compared to that.
Good luck.
My son keeps wanting to put his pet turtle in my tank. I keep explaining that SW and FW are different, but he claims since turtles don't actually breathe water it shouldn't matter.....


My 90 has Oscars and other Cichlids..they loved the Thankgiving dinner! Those Oscars will eat anything and live to tell about it. I just did a massave water change..I do a 50% weekly anyways so it was no big deal.
The kids...3 and 9...aaaak...


Lol, Ron!
They dont breathe water, eh?
I wondered about the crabs and snails while doing water changes..when the rock is out. I did a change and tank re-arranging when I found the hermits playing RUGby but picked em all off the answered that one too...thanks!
Its odd..everything Ive read says to acclimate them so fragile they are..yet they can eat rug dust and survive...