now what?


i got the aquapod 12 today and i have it 1/2 set up. so far the salinity is ok and i have around 10# of live sand. ill get some live rock on thursday. the temp is a little high, should i leave my lights on or allow the temp. to stabelize first? (temp. 82). also should i leave my lunar lights on all night and every night?


Im not sure of the correct procedure but on my 12g I did what ever I wanted with the lights. I dont think it really matters since you dont even have the lr in yet. dont quote me but I dont think the lights help in the bacteria/cycling process at all. just turn them on when you want to stare at water being pumped. then if your feeling crazy turn on the black light. thats how I roll. and I just leave my led's on all the time. I read somwhere that they take forever and a day to burnout so you could try that also. (purpose of doing that is if/when you get a timer for your lights, since fish like routine, you only have to get one since the led's are already on)


when you get the live rock turn those bad boys on and you should be in buisness. I did like a 10 hour light cycle to cycle mine like an eaon ago but allow your tank atleast a month i did a month and a half to cycle. and good luck


New Member
When you have LiveRock the lights will help alot in the cycling, i believe it helps the bacteria grow quicker. I hear alot about cycling tanks but to be honest ive never cycled for more than a day, and in over 100's of fish ive owned, fresh and salt, ive only had 1 die, most i traded in when i started my saltwater. Live rock and the lights are mucho important, within the first few days after the liverock id reccomend some damsels, the cheap ones..they help with the cycling and are hard to kill even in a new tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vsandme
When you have LiveRock the lights will help alot in the cycling, i believe it helps the bacteria grow quicker. I hear alot about cycling tanks but to be honest ive never cycled for more than a day, and in over 100's of fish ive owned, fresh and salt, ive only had 1 die, most i traded in when i started my saltwater. Live rock and the lights are mucho important, within the first few days after the liverock id reccomend some damsels, the cheap ones..they help with the cycling and are hard to kill even in a new tank

ok never cycle with damsels.. imo its mean
cycling shlud last from 3-6 weeks,
make sure you trn your lunar lights on everynight WHEN you buy and have fish in there.. i put one on my tank and my tang is so stressed out tht he wont eat. i turn it off and hes gettign fat and healthy again. he didnt eat the mysis when he was stressed.. onlt the mysis ing ate the frozen mysis
FYI Mysis king is my name fr my clown. hes a fatty lo,


thanx for the info. should i wait to test the water untill i have the live rock(i only have live sand at the time)?? my specific gravity is up to 1.025 is that tooo high?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gharner
thanx for the info. should i wait to test the water untill i have the live rock(i only have live sand at the time)?? my specific gravity is up to 1.025 is that tooo high?
for the testing of water wait a week after you put in some lr or a little less and test if you dont already have a test kit it is wll worth the investment
for you salinity:
if you plan on having inverts... bump up your salt a little more. and make sure you can keep it almost constant
i dont know if this theor is true but when i have my salt down from where i should b e with inverts or where it used to be. my inverts are slow moving around and dont move as much as they do with the more salt .....true or not.. i dont know
i hope this helped and
GoOd LuCk!

it will be well worth it in the end :happyfish


thanks for the info.... i got the temp down to aprox 76 degrees and i will get the salinity up also. so far ( its only been about three days) the salinity and temp are both very stable. thanks again for the help.