Well folks I think I've lost one nudibranch do to my own failings.
One of the Velvet nudi's that I got has been MIA for several days now, had a three day period where my tank was cloudy and the xenia are looking mighty unhappy.
The problem I believe was that they just would not stay out of the overflow slots. I also lost a new firefish when he jumped into the overflow through the eggcreate slots. Well I think I have the problem solved now.
I got some plastic mesh grid from a hobby store here in town and started cutting the right peices that I thought I would need. Using some fishing line I tied these plastic grid pieces onto my eggcreate.
Take a look and tell me what you think.

One of the Velvet nudi's that I got has been MIA for several days now, had a three day period where my tank was cloudy and the xenia are looking mighty unhappy.
The problem I believe was that they just would not stay out of the overflow slots. I also lost a new firefish when he jumped into the overflow through the eggcreate slots. Well I think I have the problem solved now.
I got some plastic mesh grid from a hobby store here in town and started cutting the right peices that I thought I would need. Using some fishing line I tied these plastic grid pieces onto my eggcreate.
Take a look and tell me what you think.