

New Member
Is there some kind of fish that will eat the nudibranches off my zoa colonies? What is the right procedure to do a freshwater dip? Do you have to use some kind of chemicals or can it be just water? Just a few questions I have. Any help would be appreciated.


New Member
I don't exactly have a pic of the nudibranch up close and personal. I posted pics of the colonied to try and get an ID on what kind they were and someone said they had zoa eating nudibranches on them. These are those pics.



I heard that 6 line wrasse will eat small nudis so I moved my zoos that had them on them to a quarantine tank and tweezed off the large nudis and some of the eggs and let the 6 line eat the small ones. it seems like it worked cause my zoos are doing great in that tank now.