Anemone appears to have anchored at least a bit in the sandbed, I'm not sure he's thrilled with the spot but he's doing okay.
Lighting is I think about 90 watts per flourescent compact tube in the dualpack, dual actinics and three LED's for moonlight.
Gotta VENT

at my LFS.....
Basically my friend who works there fragged out a BIG chunk of xenia for me from his own tank for $20...Weell the frag cooked in his car and turned to mush so he took me into the store and offered like a $20 zoo frag to say sorry....His spiteful friend told the boss that he was fragging out stuff to me that the store sells for three times the price. And in order to keep my friend from getting fired I had to make up this psychotic story about me buying the newly shipped in fish and a random discount....
Well they had a brand new shipment sitting on the floor...And basically just to embarass me and so that my friend wouldnt get fired he stood there and opened about a billion boxes looking for a sixline wrasse which is what I had come looking for and was now being blackmailed into buying so my friend wouldnt get in trouble. He then picked out pretty much the sickest one Ive ever seen.....
So two hours of sitting waiting for them to find them and I just wanted to get out of there. Alas the poor sixline has expired....Thanks LFS....And their crappy policy is 'If it dies in your tank it isnt our problem"