Nudilove's Tank Diary!


Soooo... Da na na naaaa!
It's finally cycling.... Giving a 24 Aquapod a try....Water aged beautifully for the last two days, added live aragonite with a bacteria booster formula and my live rock this afternoon....
24 Gal Tank
27.3 pounds LR
20 pounds Live Aragonite
Poly Filter
Sponge Filter
Mini Skimmer
Red Sea Salt
1 extra power head hidden in the rocks for added Circulation....Here are the first pics!

:joy: :joy:


Thanks so much! I bugged the living bejesus out of the LFS dragging rock around the store and setting it up on a tarp till I figured out what was the perfect look for the tank!


Active Member
I did the same thing when I bought my LR. I picked through their curing vats and weighed each piece setting the ones I wanted on their counter and putting the others back. The were a little annoyed but the kid was happy to get the commision on the sale.


Here we are this morning!!!!

Yay! She's clear...Thought I would reveal my test kit results, maybe you guys wouldnt mind commenting about it.
Here was the mixed saltwater added to the tank after aging:
Sal: 1.024
PH: 8.2
Amm: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Here is the testing this morning with the rock and sand going on.
Sal: 1.024
PH: 7.9
Amm: 1.0 ppm
Nitrite: >.25 ppm
Nitrate: 0-5ppm
Temp: 82.2
Alk: 5.5
I seem to be having a fight with my lights and my heater, or the previously whacked out thermometer. Heater is set at 79, but before switching to moonlamps last night I was at 84.4 with the actinics on for several hours previous.
Also, the alk test is in litres, is that going to effect me? From my marine aquarium management class I cant remember if it was in litres or gallons but I do remember around 5 being good #s for Alk.
Any help please?


Active Member
Tank cleared up nicely and your cycle has already started. Glad to not see any fish in there while it is cycling. 82.2 is high. I keep mine at 78 degrees. What type of lighting are you using and what is the temp. of the room where your tank is located?


Nope, no fish...Im a newbie as to the actual tank but definitely an old hat and library of info as to the theory of the tank itself. Hee
The room its in is about 74-76 consistantly, I'll have to check the box but its actinics and PC lighting common to the 24 nano's. Temp as of now is still 82.4, guess I'll turn the heater down again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NudiLove
Nope, no fish...Im a newbie as to the actual tank but definitely an old hat and library of info as to the theory of the tank itself. Hee
The room its in is about 74-76 consistantly, I'll have to check the box but its actinics and PC lighting common to the 24 nano's. Temp as of now is still 82.4, guess I'll turn the heater down again.
82.2 if perfect i run my tank at 82 and so do a bunch of other people


Well...The temp thing makes me feel better!
I know! I LOVE mantis shrimp and maintained one at the college who was perhaps the laziest one ever to live.


Okay...So the heater is only on 77, BUT! My tank temp has steadily been rising since this morning, all the fans are working but the temp is 83.3 now...And thats just too hot!


Any advice to get the temp down?!?! BUMP!
I think its the added equipment of the skimmer and powerhead, its up to 84.7 now! Anyyyyy advice as to how to get this guy to cool down?



Sooo....12 hours after first testing here are the results.
Sal: 1.023
PH: 7.9
Amm: 1.0
Nitrite: <.25
Nitrate: 5
Temp: 85.1


We were at 92 today... in Pa! My tank temp jumped to 84, but I brought it down to 80 real quik using a window fan on top of the tank. If you have a hard time keeping your temp lower, maybe turn your lights on at night and off during the day. By the way your tank looks great!


Teesting Teeesting...1.2.3.
AM Test Results:
Sal: 1.0235
PH: 7.9
Amm: 1.0
Nitrite: .25
Temp: 82.9
Soooo.. This morning, there are alllllllllll these like macroscopic little red bugs cruising ALL over my rockwork! What are theY?? Baby pods? Something evil? Help?!


PM Test Results: No one knows what the bugs are???
Sal: 1.023
PH: 7.9
Amm: .5-1
Nitrite: 0-.25
Nitrate: 10
Temp: 84.0