Number of Fish and Compatability



As it stands right now I have a 29 gallon tank with a Magnum 220 cannister filter and a 10K lightbulb. In the tank I have about 25lbs. of live sand, 20lbs. of fine crushed coral, 10lbs. of live rock and assorted "dead" coral. For critter's I have...
4-scarlet leg hermit crabs
2-blue leg hermit crabs
1-porcelain crab (or at least that's what he looks like from the glimpses I get of him, he came in on a piece of my live rock)
2-fighting conchs
3-turbo cleaner/grazer snails
1-domino damsel
1-blue devil damsel
1-yellow back carribean damsel

...keeping in mind that I plan on taking out all of my damsel fish and start adding more expensive fish in a couple of weeks (after my tank is finished cycling), here is the list of fish that I want (none over 2" in length)...

1-Racoon Butterfly
1-Flame Angel
1-Blue (Hippo) Tang
1-Percula Clownfish
1-Coral Beauty (unless there's another really pretty purple fish out there...any suggestions?) questions are #1-will all of these fish be compatible with each other? Is there any other critter (i.e.-crabs, shrimp, snails, coral, anenomes etc.) that one or more of these fish would have problems with? I plan on adding at least 10 more pounds of live rock anyway but would also like to add maybe a couple of emerald crabs and cleaner shrimp, maybe a half dozen more turbo cleaners, possible a decorator crab, some feather dusters and maybe a couple pieces of "live" coral. Is this way too much non-fish critter's and I should choose one way or the other or is it a fine mixture with the fish in my "wish" list? Any info and/or opinions is welcome. Thanks!!!


No, that is way too overstocked.
1.Never put tangs in tanks less then 55 gallons, even then, i wouldnt do it unless you are absolutely sure you are getting bigger tank.
2. They say you shouldnt put two dwarf angelfish together, especially in a 29g.
3. A Raccon Butterfly, should only be kept in tanks larger then 75 gallons.

sea goblin

The percula clown would be an excelant 1st fish to add. As for the others i would say no to all of them with the exception to the coral beuty, some say they need 55 galons, mine is in a 30, as long as you have plenty of live rock he should be plenty happy. If you are looking for a purple fish then i think the purple fire fish would be ideal. you could have 2 of these guys in the tank with the clown fish and it would look really nice. As for inverts, you could go with any of what you just said that you want. Another thing to remember is that if you want to keep corals then you should be carefull with any dwarf angel. yet another reason for you to get the clown and 2 fire fish and maybe just put the coral beuty off for iether a bigger tank or in the very least a more mature system.
Sea Goblin

bang guy

These are my opinions:
1-Racoon Butterfly - Absolutely not
1-Flame Angel - Very iffy
1-Blue (Hippo) Tang - No way
1-Percula Clownfish - Get a pair!! :)
1-Coral Beauty - Very iffy - no way to have two Angels though
My suggestions:
Pair of Clownfish
Pair of Clown Gobies
One Barnicle Blenny
Remove one Fighting Conch before they both starve