Number of fish?


pa reef pig

BTW, Wrassecal, I work in prepress, so if you need any more help with photos just let me know. I've got all the software. I'm at your service.


Active Member
PA reef pig? Did I ask for help with pictures? I don't remember, but then I have AAADD (Advanced age attention deficit disorder)
Apologies for going off topic here.

pa reef pig

It was a while ago when I resized your pic of you and your daughter. You just asked how I did it.
p.s. watch that Sammystingray character. I think he only has one thing on his mind...
and he has altogether too many tattoos. I had to clean him up a little. (hey Sammy, been a while since you've seen your skin huh?


Active Member
roflmao - that's not me! I'm the good looking brunette :rolleyes: That's Itchy!
Apologies for off topic again but couldn't let that one stand.