Nurse Shark in 20 Gallon ?


New Member
I dont think this is worth the time to answer.......but i'm gonna have to say no.I think it may be worth ur while to do some research on the subject of keeping ANY shark.
Hugs and Kisses from Canada


No saltwater shark is gonna fit in a 20 gal you best bet is to the question to be a misprint and you meant 200 gal but its still to small.


Originally posted by mlm:
<STRONG>Is this a serious question? They get 8 or 9 feet long in the wild.</STRONG>
Actually they get up to 14ft.


Yeah I think a 20 gallon will be ok.. just make sure you use a UGF and dont even think of a skimmer.. :D :D Im kidding but its too bad there are no (available) small species sharks.. :( :( guess God just didnt want a shark in our living room's.. imagine that..


Active Member
yes, about as well as you could be kept in a shoe box
c'mon, who would fathom such an idea, except someone with 3 yrs experience that is
hey guys, can i keep a mako in my 75 gallon, while we are on the subject?


Great White is the only way to go. But you will need to keep a few baby seals in your living room for food :D :D


Active Member
if you get the great white, you really need a higher canopy though, htose su..ers can jump over 1/2 of their body lengthoutta the water, and a standard hood won't cut it, gonna hafta build a custom top for the 90, but other than that you'll be fine
and for seals, why keep them the food is so much, just invite over some surfers for party every weekend(make it byob and you pay nothing), problem solved


Active Member
ROTFLMAO(rolling on the a.. off)
oh, and i htink he wanted the white in his 90, but still applies
thanx, i needed that sammy


Active Member
not as bad as the shark, if he is serious, if not he don't care, that's why he posted it(if he's not serious)


LOL!!! i was wondering if one would fit in a 200 gallon tank... my friend has one that he may be giving to me here pretty soon and id love to have a shark or maybe two... :D


If you read the information published on the picture of a nurse shark in the live fish store it says "max length 18 inches". I dont think Kevin is the only one smoking crack on this site!


Active Member
sorry, but your profile shows a 20 gallon, so it was easier for all of us to assume you meant a 20, but the fact remains that they get 8-9 feet, and some even up to 14 feet in the wild, so even a 200 isn't enough for the poor thing, and most of us don't advocate putting a fish in for now, just to get rid of it in a couple of years, especially these things, because once he outgrows your tank, then what, the zoos really don't want them, because they are getting too many for this reason