So I'm trying to nurse my anemone back to a full life. I believe that my Clown, Jerry beat him up to bad. He kept pounding him to hard, then when we would feed him Jerry would take his food away. So we took him out of the tank on Friday and put him down in our fug we have going downstairs (it's awaiting a new tank...whenever that might be lol). Here are pictures. First one is when we first got him. Second one is from two months ago. Last one is from when we put him downstairs.

Not sure he's gonna make it, but i even hand feed him this morning, he is so weak he can move his arms to get the food in his mouth. So I just held it there while he opened his mouth and sucked it in. Silly huh? But I really like him.
Anyways hopefully he will pull thru.

Not sure he's gonna make it, but i even hand feed him this morning, he is so weak he can move his arms to get the food in his mouth. So I just held it there while he opened his mouth and sucked it in. Silly huh? But I really like him.
Anyways hopefully he will pull thru.