Nursing my anemone


So I'm trying to nurse my anemone back to a full life. I believe that my Clown, Jerry beat him up to bad. He kept pounding him to hard, then when we would feed him Jerry would take his food away. So we took him out of the tank on Friday and put him down in our fug we have going downstairs (it's awaiting a new tank...whenever that might be lol). Here are pictures. First one is when we first got him. Second one is from two months ago. Last one is from when we put him downstairs.

Not sure he's gonna make it, but i even hand feed him this morning, he is so weak he can move his arms to get the food in his mouth. So I just held it there while he opened his mouth and sucked it in. Silly huh? But I really like him.
Anyways hopefully he will pull thru.


Active Member
Sorry for the loss.

Originally Posted by rickross23 http:///t/391702/nursing-my-anemone#post_3475508
He looks like he was bleaching and when they bleach they are gonna die lots of the time.

They bleach for a variety of reasons, but it is not a death sentence. My sebae was 100% bleached and translucent when I got it. I provided it with the perfect conditions to thrive and that is exactly what happened. Please don't post broad generalizations like that.


Thanks Gemmy. I hope that bleaching wasn't the reason. We had him for almost a year, he was doing awesome. My thoughts we that Jerry just started getting to big for him. I did buy a bigger anemone, one that Jerry could disappear into. It took 5 mins and they were hosting. But this new one it also white. I did some research and saw that if you feed them about 3-4 time a week they will regain their natural color. Jerry isn't stuck in this one 24/7 like the last so maybe it will work out.
Think I'll christen this anemone sir "Tom"


It was labeled as a long tentacle anemone. I got it from my really local LFS, I prefer not to shop there but was looking for some supplies. He has the orange base with really pretty yellowish orange dots that glow under the lights on his "back side". Seems to prefer the sand not the rocks. If someone knows the exact type I'd love to know the name of it. But please don't yell at me for buying it and not knowing the type.


not a good picture but I circled where the little dots are. He way he is sitting they don't show so much.
I have a 150 long. with 250w Metal halides and actenic's


Lol i know i know. But I can't move him. finally got him where I want him. We feed brine shrimp, occasionally mysis, and prawns, but those are a pain cause I have to shuck them first. and Zoo. What do you feed yours?


Active Member
Sorry haha.
I feed mine bits of raw table shrimp washed and chopped(I have to peel em too, it sucks)
I also feed PE mysis. I have 2 RBTAS that are basically conjoined together. I have halides also, but am lookin to upgrade to ecotech radions in August. How much flow is there where your anemone is located? Water parameters?


Thats ok.
He cost me $35.00
water 1.024
ph. 8.1
alk 0
no3 0
cal. 400
temp 78
we have two hydor pumps on each side but only one is on constanly. the other we turn on occasionaly, then the return pumps there are four arms. Plus one little hydor pump on the back wall at bottom just to have movment in the back of the tank.
This is now the main reef tank. we moved everything over from the 30 to the 150. the 30 is used as the qt normally. But at the moment is the new temp. home for our Niger trigger. He just kept making to much of a mess and started getting to big for his britches. We are planning to do a fowlr tank with agressive fish soon.