

Hey everyone,
I was just given the big “speal” about Nutri-Seawater from the owner of the company. It does sound impressive.
Does anyone use this instead of the regular salt and RO water mix?
Any input would be great.


It's about 2.99 a gallon at LFS
From their site:
Instant Saltwater™ Changes
No Mixing Required
Instant New Marine Aquarium Setups
Natural Live Marine Bacteria, more than 11,000,000 Bacteria per gallon.
100% Natural Live Ocean Saltwater
Fortified with QX-23® Enriched Solution: Calcium, Iodine, Molybdenum, Strontium, Magnesium, Cobalt Potassium, Lithium, Aluminum, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, Selenium, Silver, Cadmium, Zinc, Thallium, Stannus, Antimony.
Maintains proper pH by providing improved buffering capacity
Nutri-Seawater™ is Naturally Filtered - Does not remove or modify what mother nature intended.
Nutri-Seawater™ is 100% Natural Live Ocean Seawater™.
Contains natural Live marine Heterotrophic, Autotrophic and Chemolithotrophic bacteria to provide a proper inorganic balance.
Fortified with QX-23® Enriched Solution.
Reduces the need for additional saltwater treatment products.


Active Member
That is ridiculously priced if you ask me. You could get a bucket of salt that will make 200 gallons saltwater for $50 and even if you were to buy your RO from the LFS for .50 a gallon, you would still be saving an abundance of money and you would know more about your own system if you make up the water yourself.


Active Member
The price breakdown is:
Nutri-Seawater - $598 for 200 gallons
Making up yown own - $180 for 200 gallons
(this includes RO water at $.50, Tropic Marin bucket of salt, and even $30 tossed in for misc. additives like alk buffer or calcium additives)


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
The price breakdown is:
Nutri-Seawater - $598 for 200 gallons
Making up yown own - $180 for 200 gallons
(this includes RO water at $.50, Tropic Marin bucket of salt, and even $30 tossed in for misc. additives like alk buffer or calcium additives)
I think you are missing the point....
If they were the same thing, then yeah, the salt and ro water is a lot cheaper, but, according to them, its not....
Take a look at their website..... let me know what you think...


Active Member
No, I see the point they are trying to make. I read their website and I am not really all that impressed. Every product claims to be superior, but I don't think I would be willing to pay more than triple the price for my water. Take a look over at the fish photography section. There are dozens of tanks posted everyday and I don't know of any of them that use this. They achieve a beautiful set-up without this. I just looked at 2 reef tanks that looked stunning and I doubt that they use this stuff. You don't need it either to have a beautiful tank.
The owner of the company sounds like he is just trying to be a salesman. I am not just saying that as someone who is anti-LFS' and anti-salesman. I worked at an LFS for quite a long time and I have used many different products, enough to know which work and do not work. I also can usually spot when things are too good to be true. This Nutri Seawater sounds like a come-on.
Also, one more thing to add. By no means would I call myself cheap. I fully believe that you get what you pay for, in most cases. This does not seem like the case here because I don't see how this could be 3X better than making your own water.


Active Member
The owner of the company sounds like he is just trying to be a salesman. I am not just saying that as someone who is anti-LFS' and anti-salesman. I worked at an LFS for quite a long time and I have used many different products, enough to know which work and do not work. I also can usually spot when things are too good to be true. This Nutri Seawater sounds like a come-on.


I used to use it, but found the Salinity way to high for fish only tanks. It is fine for a reef tank, but EXPENSIVE!!! Good stuff if you don't mind paying through the nose...but DO NOT USE for a fish only tank because their salinity in 1 bottle of 2.5 gallons is far too high! Hope this helps you
You can use it to set up a new reef tank, but you still have to cycle the tank like you normally would. Don't be putting fish in right away!


Active Member
The SG is 1.027. What is wrong with that? I keep my FOWLR tank at 1.026. The same fish that are on the reefs are in fish only tanks. Don't believe the lies that LFS' tell you to keep your SG down in a FOWLR tank. The ocean is the ocean, whether you are on the reef or not.


Active Member
Okay, you have experience with it. You would know better than me. I am just going by what the website says. Any higher than 1.027 I would not put in mhy reef tank either, though.


Yeah, honestly Lion, the company fibs a bit on the overall salinity level if you changed more than say...5 gallons. IMO, it is much better to mix your own. That way you control the salinity level.


Originally Posted by fishisfun7
I used to use it, but found the Salinity way to high for fish only tanks. It is fine for a reef tank, but EXPENSIVE!!! Good stuff if you don't mind paying through the nose...but DO NOT USE for a fish only tank because their salinity in 1 bottle of 2.5 gallons is far too high! Hope this helps you
You can use it to set up a new reef tank, but you still have to cycle the tank like you normally would. Don't be putting fish in right away!
So you didn't notice any real difference between the two?


Dont use it!!! I used it and did two water changes with it. After the water change a couple of days went by and I checked my PH and it was 7.8 and it had never been lower than 8.2 I added buffer to get it back up and it more than I expected to just get to 8.0 So I did a water change w/same water and the next day I checked my ph 7.6 so I paniced and went to the closest LFS and he tested my PH with the same results so he started asking questions and as soon as I told him that I was using that water he told me that is what it was and said he had had many complaints with it on dropping the ph. So I did a 6g water change with normal salt water and my PH jump up to 8.1 and now is and stays at 8.3


ok, i use the nutri-seawater in my 5 gal tank. it's the only water i've ever used. this is because it's the only water i can buy in town cuz it just isn't practical to drive half an hour to buy water. and i can't make my own cuz it isn't practical in a dorm room. i can also only the the 4.4 gal size. which is a pain cuz the tank is like eye level with me. lol. anyways.
i have no problem with the water. my pH is a constant 8.2. yes the salinity is 1.027. i'd post a current pic of my tank, but i need to clean the front. lol.
also my friend down the hall in my dorm uses the same water. we have no problem with it whatsoever. i've had my tank up since august, and hers has been up since december. we really don't have any problem with it.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Just out of curiousity, did your LFS check the alkalinity of it?
Yes, it was low as well and it was alway high. I have never had a problem with ph or alk until then and have never had a problem afterwards.
I trust the LFS on this one because he knew right when mentioned it and after I stop using it, I have had no problems. I didnt have to use buffers or anything, I just had to do water changes.
Now the water that I bought might have been old as far as sitting on the shelf to long but I am just telling you my experience with it.
My salanity was 1.026 but I didnt think anything of it because I try to keep mine between 1.024 - 1.025
I tested my water last night. PH - 8.3, Alk - 9.2 dkh, Calcium - 450 no buffers or anything, so I dont what else it could have done it.
There is another guy on this site who has started using it and it has not effected his ph but it affected his alk. I will try to get the link.
Even before all that happened I was told by many that it was not near worth the cost. Two of my LFS have great and I mean great display tanks and they dont use it.
I know I seem dead set against it but I spent over $30 on water and when this happened I am not as fond of it as I thought I would have been.