

Active Member

Originally Posted by Saltwater8

Nice tank, why did you choose crushed coral though?
Its 10yrs old. when I switched to saltwater they told me that was what to use. Here's another case where it may not be the best thing but since I'm not having problems with it or nitrate issues I continue to use it. I have a supposely sorry seaclone 100 skimmer as well. I just cant justify making any changes or spending any more money when there is no indication of problems. now some
people have had problems with IO salt and they are justified in trying something different. Too many variables in this hobby to go chasing what everybody else does.


Originally Posted by Saltwater8
A $4 bag of Walmart dog food will fill up my yellow lab just as much as a $15 bag of Iams....which do you think I want my dog eating?
I agree, and I understand you wanting the best for your fish that is the reason that I started using it myself. And I respect anyone who cares enough of their fish to spend the extra money to care for your fish. I just spent $230 bucks on a MH lighting system because I felt that my BTA was not getting enough light while one LFS was telling me not to spend the money.
I do believe you pay for what you get but I dont always believe that just because it cost more makes it better.
That is good info on Instant Ocean and other salts. I buy RO/DI water premixed from my LFS at $1.00 a gallon. I am going to ask him what salt he uses. I do know that he use the same water and salt in his tanks but I am now going to ask.
Thanks for the info


Active Member
This is difficult to accept at face value. Sounds revoloutionary, I wonder how our fish have thrived this long without it :notsure: . Now lets hurry out and buy it before something else comes along thats even better and costs even more. $3.00 for a gallon of seawater
What an insult to the hobby, even down here in SD a gallon of gasoline dosent cost that much. The " Its $3.00 a gallon so it must be better quality" concept is absurd and is only supported by opinion, not facts.
Its hard to fathom that some folks actually believe that spending more money is always the answer. There is just no substitute for experience and hard work, it trumps wasting money on snake oil any day. Sorry but I'll pass, gimmie a break. Its nice to live next to the Birch aquarium at Scrips. :hilarious
"It is only the ignorant who despise education"


Originally Posted by fishisfun7
WOW! That Salinity is high! What do you have in that 5 gallon tank? 1 fish I am guessing. Word to the wise. If it isn't a reef tank, go way lower with the salinity. you could easily go way lower and prolong the life of that fish.
gee, thanks. by the way, i do adjust the salinity before it goes in my tank....i keep it at 1.025. i was just agreeing that the water comes at 1.027.
and i have 1 ocellaris clown, a skunk cleaner shrimp, a hermit crab, tons of tiny baby snails, and 5 mushrooms.
and i think i'll take wise words from someone who i know has been around here at least longer than you. no offense, but all i can tell is that you've been on here since january, i don't know how long you've been in the hobby. and hello, but if the ocean is at 1.027, how bad can it honestly be for the fish???


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishisfun7
WOW! That Salinity is high! What do you have in that 5 gallon tank? 1 fish I am guessing. Word to the wise. If it isn't a reef tank, go way lower with the salinity. you could easily go way lower and prolong the life of that fish.
I didn't even see this comment made, but I wanted to comment on it too because I agree with you blue lagoon. It does not matter what type of tank it is - reef or just fish. All tanks should be kept on the higher end, closer to 1.025 or 1.026 because that is where the ocean is. Studies have been done to prove that fish that are kept at lower specific gravities (1.021 for example) for a long period of time (more than just a few months) live a shorter life because of it.


Originally Posted by Phixer
This is difficult to accept at face value. Sounds revoloutionary, I wonder how our fish have thrived this long without it :notsure: . Now lets hurry out and buy it before something else comes along thats even better and costs even more. $3.00 for a gallon of seawater
What an insult to the hobby, even down here in SD a gallon of gasoline dosent cost that much. The " Its $3.00 a gallon so it must be better quality" concept is absurd and is only supported by opinion, not facts.
Its hard to fathom that some folks actually believe that spending more money is always the answer. There is just no substitute for experience and hard work, it trumps wasting money on snake oil any day. Sorry but I'll pass, gimmie a break. Its nice to live next to the Birch aquarium at Scrips. :hilarious
"It is only the ignorant who despise education"
Ok, first of all....

Second - an insult to the hobby would be to not bother to listen to SEVERAL noted marine biologists who have stated that natural ocean sea water is hundreds to thousands times better for your captive fish than salt and RO water.
Third - you must not have read what I posted above from just one study, or you wouldn't have made the comment about opinion and not fact.
Forth - your quote - I TOTALLY AGREE.....
Here is another study (with facts, not opinion), that shows that all of the salts we use are not even relatively close to actual sea water. All of the salts have hundreds to thousands times more toxic metals and others than is found in natural seawater. You would think in 2006 that someone would make a salt at least relatively close to what it is trying to replace.
And yes, my philosophy is that if we choose to take these beautiful fish out of their natural habitat for our amusement and stick them in a 6 foot by 2 foot cube - we should do everything possible to, at the VERY LEAST, have the water that they live in be somewhat the same.
Lithium Molybdenum Barium Vanadium Nickel Chromium Aluminum Copper
Seawater 20 0.1 0.04 0.04 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001
Instant Ocean 54 1.8 0.085 2.9 1.7 7.5 240 1.8
Tropic Marin 29 2.5 0.32 2.8 1.7 7.6 230 1.9
HW Marine Mix 36 3.3 0.71 3.4 2.3 8.3 250 3.0
Reef Crystals 62 2.4 0.27 3.5 2.1 8.8 250 2.4
Red Sea Salt 44 2.8 0.70 3.4 1.9 8.3 240 2.3
Kent 62 2.8 0.39 3.7 1.9 8.9 290 2.6
Coralife 1793 2.7 0.37 3.8 2.2 9.7 270 2.8
SeaChem 117 2.6 0.89 2.9 1.7 7.7 270 2.4
Zinc Manganese Iron Cadmium Lead Cobalt Silver Titanium
Seawater 0.001 0.0004 0.0001 0.0001 0.00006 0.00005 0.00001 0.00001
Instant Ocean 0.50 1.2 0.24 0.24 2.1 1.3 2.3 0.67
Tropic Marin 0.55 0.7 0.24 0.24 2.3 1.3 2.7 0.62
HW Marine Mix 0.75 1.2 0.34 0.34 3.2 1.8 3.6 0.73
Reef Crystals 0.60 1.0 0.27 0.27 2.6 1.6 4.3 0.79
Red Sea Salt 0.60 1.6 0.27 0.27 2.7 1.5 3.7 0.83
Kent 0.60 1.4 0.27 0.30 2.6 1.6 4.0 1.04
Coralife 0.90 0.9 0.30 0.30 2.9 1.7 3.8 0.97
SeaChem 0 1.7 7.7 0.26 2.5 1.4 3.9 0.85
Even if you look at just one - copper. So any fish and other inverts are intolerant to copper, and yet all of the salts have an average of 2000 times the copper found in natural seawater.
Thats just my 2 cents



Active Member
Ever thought about selling cars. Spare me, everyone knows natural seawater is best, but whats funny is how none of the professionals I know recommend this stuff over properly mixed synthetic seawater. Of course you will have good brands and bad ones however if natural seawater isnt availible you really dont have to pay 3 bucks a gallon for a pretty good substitute made from RO/DI H20.
Have you studied how this stuff decays while its sits on a shelf or a dock somewhere waiting to be shipped or sold? :thinking:
I'll swing by Scripps again this weekend and gather some facts from an independant
source who dosent profit from its sale? because if you believe all of this I have some magic fairy dust to sell you for 3 bucks a gallon, every Elf I know has a fact sheet on it. :hilarious
I'll pass on the 3 dollar a gallon seawater, sorry but they will have to sell it to someone who has not done their homework and honestly if you believe that buying 3 dollar a gallon sea water is compensation for removing a fish from its natural habitat you would be better off spending your money on scuba gear instead.
I respect the opinion of a fellow hobbist though, good luck with the magic seawater.


"i'll take wise words from someone who i know has been around here at least longer than you. no offense, but all i can tell is that you've been on here since january, i don't know how long you've been in the hobby. and hello, but if the ocean is at 1.027, how bad can it honestly be for the fish???"
Probably shouldnt but in but
Umm, just because he has been posting since January do you actully believe that is accurate measurement of his experience level?


[QUOTE i think i'll take wise words from someone who i know has been around here at least longer than you. no offense, but all i can tell is that you've been on here since january, i don't know how long you've been in the hobby. and hello, but if the ocean is at 1.027, how bad can it honestly be for the fish???
Umm, probably shouldnt but in but just because he has been posting since January do you actully believe that is accurate measurement of his experience level? :notsure:


Originally Posted by bluelagoon
gee, thanks. by the way, i do adjust the salinity before it goes in my tank....i keep it at 1.025. i was just agreeing that the water comes at 1.027.
and i have 1 ocellaris clown, a skunk cleaner shrimp, a hermit crab, tons of tiny baby snails, and 5 mushrooms.
and i think i'll take wise words from someone who i know has been around here at least longer than you. no offense, but all i can tell is that you've been on here since january, i don't know how long you've been in the hobby. and hello, but if the ocean is at 1.027, how bad can it honestly be for the fish???
Umm, probably shouldnt but in but just because he has been posting since January do you actully believe that is accurate measurement of his experience level? You should enroll in common sense 101 next semester. :hilarious


Active Member
My 2cents would be to take a closer look at the comany that sells the real ocean water and their processes. The tests they ran may well have been with untreated sea water but what they sell is treated. It goes through all sorts of filtering that is removing many natural items from the water. they are also using the UV to kill off the bad bacterias and such. Hmm, seems to me that it would kill the beneficial bacteria also. I use UV in my swimming pool filtration so I don't have to use clorine. I take my water and have it tested every week and there is absolutely nothing alive in my pool water.
So in conclusion, I will not waste my money in that companies seawater.

I will stick with Oceanic