
Hello Everyone,
I got my Nuvo 16 about two months ago. Got LR from the LFS, Live sand from my local beach, and purified salt water from a water treatment facility here on Oahu..
I had my tank set up for about 3-4 weeks with no spikes in any thing! Someone told me i might not get a cycle because of where i got all my water and rock from.. so i went ahead and added a snail, some hermits, and a feather duster.. Waited a week.. and still no spikes
A week later i added a pair of clowns.. no spikes
2 weeks later a goby and a cleaner shrimp and the hermits.. no spikes
a week after that.. my tank decides to Cycle and kills everythign except my cleaner shrimp and goby so far.. My ammonia levels went through the roof, im expecting Nitrites and Nitrates to do the same thing as we go along! So frustrating to watch everything die.. i really hope my shrimp and goby make it through!
Her is a look at my set up pre death!!


Well-Known Member
Cycles r a bitch. They rarely are the same from tank to tank. I ran my tank for a month w just lr did a couple h2o changes. Added 3 fish and had no issues. Now 6 fish later,sum shrimp and snails. All is good. Its just a time thing


Well-Known Member
Yea that does suck. Some people use damsels. But they can get so aggressive it doesn't isn't worth it


Had a bit of a Aiptasia break out in my tank, about 9. they have been there for a while, bu i had no idea what they were. I elemenated them today with some Joes Juice. I hope they dont make a come back


Sand Anemone decided to climb up the wall a bit..The wife forgot to put on the all of the lights one day, so he was a lil upset


New toys!!! The UV sterilizer did not fit in the refugium so it is not hooked up at this time.. i need to buy a some hoses and and elbows to make it work.

How it fits