NY/NJ reef club -- Jim and Chad, specifically


Hey guys! I had quick questions for you two.
Jim -- how's Stripe? Do you know that I keep calling all other fish I see Stripe? I think I miss her. We've gotta catch clown! I have big plans for this tank, and clown is just not so much a part of them. On the other hand, if I can't get her out, then she's part of them.
Chad -- We really need to get together to exchange corals. You have some colored rics for me still, right? I hope so!
And to all who are in the area and who want a piece of it, let's schedule a time to meet to divvy up a gorgeous colt coral...


Active Member
Hey! Stripes doing great, despite a minor case of ich in teh tank(Blue Hippo) getting better, i'm feeding garlic and lowered the salinity. I got my package with the over flow and mag 12 and everything.. i can't wait for the next meeting! see ya then


Active Member
so when is the meeting going to be, if its next friday it should be good thats if my dad wants to bring me