Nyc Fish Stores!


New Member
thanks anyway juggernaut. There use to be this real cool pet store on 23rd st and like 3rd or 2nd avenue. He had sharks and all types of weird stuff I had never seen before (whether it was legal or not.....??? :) ) I use to go there during lunch, just to hang around. But for some reason, I went there one day during my lunch hour, and the whole store was closed down......go figure.
As for Young's, my friend told me he had brought him to the back to show him these tanks full of "stuff". When I walked in there asking him if he had any of this "stuff", he gave me a lecture on selling illegal stuff........go figure on that one too :)


Hey All, I use to go to that store( young's) when i was into freshwater. Nice discus at the place. But i want to know what's in the back?? should i bring some extra chash ?? :D :cool: :D


New Member
LOL guys,
I wish Young would show me his "special" stock too. But I heard it is only for "preferred customers". And if that means I have to listen to him babble and pay a 100% premium on his stuff, I'd rather be a peon cutomer. :)



Originally posted by Angel123
I didn't see any sign that my tangs getting sick. the only thing i can think of is the temperature swings. my shrimps and white strip clownfish are doing fine though.
any hardy reommenation?

dont.. my tank is now swiming in fish haven!


New Member
Sorry Juggernaut, I want to be special too. LOL I've kind of asked him before, but he won't show me either.........maybe if I spend a couple of thousand at his store...............