O.T. > A moment of silence


Active Member
For those who lost their lives, A pryer and a moment of silence......................................................................................
I hope evreyone one has the best day possible given the events of today last year and the effort everyones making to remind us.
And I hope everyone, as I have, becomes infected with American pride.


Staff member
Yes, NaCl-H2O, thank you.
And for the rest of us, may our grandchildren and future generations of our children be blessed to enjoy the lifestyle and freedoms that we do now.
Good bless & protect those in Service to Our County.


We are thinkin of you up north too. I hope I don't offend anyone but.....I honestly hope a huge war doesn't come over this terrible incident. hopefully peace can come out of this tragedy not war. Thats what the terrorists want more dead people.


Active Member
Today was hard..because of New York and because here it also brings back the Murrah Building bombing in OKC. I have 2 kids in the Marine Corp, one overseas on ThreatCon Delta. Because of this he is unable to email me. I too hope this could somehow break out in peace and not war. I have a lot of fear that the next breaking news will be our attack on Iraq. I'm getting in a lot of moments of prayer for ALL of us.


Prayers are being made world wide, in fact I thin kour church will be saying a prayer for you guys and all of us this sunday.
I am hoping that war is not declared against iraq as well, as I am quite certain it would bring more deaths not fewer.

p fish

We live in the greatest nation, and we must believe in our leaders and pray to our gods and hope for the best. I must and always will believe in our leaders and that they will keep us all safe and do what is right for the whole nation, for I have and continue to serve in the United States Air Force for more than 22 years. I've done my time in the sand and have seen more then I wanted to see, however I still believe we are doing what is right. God Bless America and me he keep us all safe..........


Active Member
Wrasscal. I am in the Navy with an expeditionary Unit that was in Saudi last 9-11. We to went to ThreatCon Delta. Your sons are probably in a safer postition than you, I, or any one else in the U.S are in right now. Terrorist can get to us while there is no way that anyone could get near your sons alive, trust me I know. So sleep tight with the knowledge that they are very safe. As far as Iraq. I believe that We have the mightiest Military in the world that should be wisely used against Iraq before Iraq could put enough force to cause real harm in a war. Iraq is getting stronger and eventually we will have to face Iraq.


Active Member
I served in the U.S. Navy durring the Gulf War. I believe that we should have finished what we started originally. Iraq will always pose a threat to our nation if nothing is done. Hopefully this time we will complete our mission in Iraq. I would gladly serve again. I tried to reenlist last year before 9-11, but was turned away do to an injury that never fully healed. All I can say is may are leaders do what's best, and may our country succeed in this ongoing war with terror.


Being a US Marine myself, I can sympothize with the families of those young men and women that may need to fight and possibly lose their lives. On the other hand, something must be done. Freedom is not free, and we all knew when we joined we may indeed someday have to pay the ultimate sacrifice. We protect the stars and stripes against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic. If this ever happens to your loved ones and if they should perish, just know that they died the way they would have wanted to...the only way that dying is 'ok' to us...and that is for their country. I couldn't think of a better way to die than for the red white and blue. (before I was de-civilianized, I was scared of war and death...after learning how to defend myself and knowing that I have over 175,000 brothers that will risk their lives for me, as I would do for them, the fear leaves) To quote R. Lee Ermey in FMJ: "You are part of a brotherhood. From now on, until the day you die, wherever you are, every Marine is your brother. Always remember this: Marines die, that's what we're here for. But the Marine Corps lives forever, and that means YOU live forever!"
Knowing that EVERY Marine, no matter of age, race or gender feels the same way I do, I can't say it enough...IT IS AN HONOR AND A PRIVELAGE TO DIE DEFENDING THE USA!!! It is much better to go on the battlefield than to die in my sleep some 50 years from now. (Not to mention I'd have better stories to tell in the after life) ;)
Remember these 2 things we Marines live by: Marines don't die...we go to hell and regroup! Also, heaven won't take us and hell is afraid we'll take over! THIS IS FOR A REASON! We are crazy individuals that thrive in these types of situations. We go first, we kick ass, take names and ask questions later.
I hope you all go to this link below and take a second to reflect on it...it will move you, possibly to tears. If you don't tear up and get a big bulge in your chest (called pride) then there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you!
FishFanNY79 even though Navy and Marines don't normally get along. I like alot of what you and the others had to say here. For those that don't agree well here in USA we defend your right to disagree weather we like it or not you have that right here, in other countries you could be dragged out in the street and shot for talking against your government or country but here you have that right and many have given thier lives to defend that right. I served my time and wish I could have stayed but was injuried and had to be medically retired. I would give my life defending this country and those who live here. Our leaders know more of what is going on then we do and those of us that work for the government have alittle insight. There is a reason we have to stop Saddam not Iraq but Saddam and trust our government and your country to do what is right to keep us free and safe. If you think it is so bad here take a look around the globe you live in the greatest country in the world you have more rights here then anywhere in the world. I have sat off the coast of those who want to hurt us and said "not on my watch you won't" I give credit to all our soldiers, sailors, marines and to our air force and those who stand behind them because it is not only our military but our citizens that make this country great and defend us. Thanks for taking the time to read my .02 and God bless the USA.

p fish

Spoken like a true Marine, thanks for the words that most don't know but needs to hear. Thanks also for the Site. We are one.
Your Active Duty Air Force Cousin
P Fish


Active Member
Just so you don't misunderstand me....I am very proud of my sons in the Corps. And FishFan they think, talk and believe just like you do. I too agree that we have to handle Iraq and pray if our leaders decide for us to fight Hussein that we fight til we finish the job. I just have fear because of past and current mistakes: Black Hawk in Somalia, attack on the Cole, the Murrah Building bombing in OKC and just the other day a General taking in one of our special forces who was guarding a middle eastern dignitary because he was bearded, tubaned and not wearing a shirt. This General wanted him to adhere to the dress code! I'm sure you know the list goes on. If we are going to do this right our military leaders damn well better have a clue. Sorry if I'm ranting but if you guys (and girls) are willing to lay down your life for your families, communities, country and freedoms our leaders better give you every opportunity to accomplish the mission!
MOM (Mother of Marines)