O.T..Do you believe?

Just wondering just how many people believe in the Lochness Monster. I was sitting down with the History Channel and up pops the popular 70's show "In Search Of", with Good ol' Spock talking about the monster. better appeal than the big ol' red sponge, I think.
Back then a lot of people believed. Now, it is the 21st century, and a whole new generation has reached adulthood.


Active Member
Well, seems as if I can't vote. Do I believe in Nessie? Not real sure. I definatley think there could be something out there though. I've watched several shows on the Discovery Channel and they searched the lake with some high tech gear, and found nothing. Doesn't mean it ain't there though. I saw Signs yesterday (good movie) and after seeing it, it made me kind of wonder what undiscovered beings/species/creatures could be out there. Bo


from what I understand the loch has not been their long enough for the monster to have moved in their. also their are not enouth things in the loch for a population of the monsters to live on.
on the other hand I think their could be some big undiscovered things in the ocean time will tell
(I do beleve in UFO's and BIGFOOT):D


I believe in nessie...and aliens....how else could we have built those pymids? and i believe in bigfoot...i know i've see him! :D


Active Member
Okay I'll answer .....
I think there's a possibility of a creature living in the loch, but from what I've seen, nothing conclusive that would make me a firm believer.
There's a lot of so called evidence, photographs and film footage showing something in the loch - but I'd guess even much of this can be disputed.
But who knows, maybe someday we'll all get a "good" look at whatever it is folks are claiming they've witnessed over there ........ and things will be different.
Until then ........ :rolleyes: