O.T...What is everyone doing?

Just wondered what everyone is doing for the Independence Day weekend?
I am taking the wife and son to Branson, Missouri. Home of Silver Dollar City.
Darn thing is, I had to find a fish sitter!
Maybe you all can give some vacation ideas.


I am going to put some meat on the grill, drink cold beer!! I may even go downtown and admire the fireworks, too.
Happy Independence Day!!

mr . salty

Active Member
FISH,FISH and FISH...I have booked charters for friday,saturday,and sunday morning...If this keeps up I may be able to quit my day job sooner than I hoped...

here fishy

going to an old friends house with my new baby girl..Everytime for the past 4 years I have taken my wife over there my friends have not been home...She thinks it a ghost house......


Active Member
Me and mine are heading to Fun 4th in Greensboro early in the day. Later me and my family, my sister and her family and my brother, are all getting together for some grilling, some beer and setting off some fireworks(the good ones).


I'm going to sit at the hospital and wait to sew the arms back on the people that blew them off with fireworks. Be careful!!


Like MR. SALTY said. Fish. Salmons been good this year and got lucky enough to charter a boat thurs.-sat.
I am going to grill at home, sit with my family, and remeber my brother in Afgainastain, and all the Americans that gave there life so that we can be free. So that we can come and go as we please, do what we want, when ever we want (with in the Law of course). So that if I feel the need, I can play hookie from work, and sit by my fish tank all day. :)
Oh, yea, my nephew and me are going to blow stuff up with fireworks, kinda of a tradtion.
Everybody have a good 4th!!!!! Be Safe, Please!!!


Active Member
well as dry as it is her ein CO, the gov banned fireworks unless they are in a professionally controlled show, so that sucks a big one, so i'll probably go to the stampede(a huge rodeo/state fair sorta thing) drink some beers, and eat some meat!!! and watch the pyro of course!
be safe guys!


Active Member
Starting to sound like a meat eating, beer drinking, fireworks day to me :p
That's what I like .... a special day for all of us carnivorous, suds sucking, gunpowder enthusiasts to do what we like.
Bratwursts !
Budweisers !
Black Cats !
Happy 4th of July

nm reef

Active Member
I plan to take a short break from the daily job....give my All-Star team the day off...spend time with my family....grill some beef/drink some Buds.....and reflect on the hell of 9/11/01.
Hung a flag in my front yard the week following that attack...swore it would fly until Bin Laden was either dead or caught...its still there and it ain't over yet.While the fireworks go off I may just salute that tattered flag!!!!
Ya'all enjoy your Independance Day!!!


We're having a family picnic. My brother is here from AL. My 6 sisters and I are renting a cabin at a lake for the weekend also. :D Ahh Bailys and bird watching.
Family time at Bush Gardens with all my boys from college and their girls ( hopefully daughter-in-laws someday). Thanks giving for the freedom we enjoy. Prayers for all of the military who can't spend time with their families defending our freedom. Praises to God for the many Blessings I enjoy everyday and all too often take for granted. Throw in some fireworks and you have a perfect holiday.
Be safe, be happy, but most important thank God for all you have to enjoy.


Active Member
Originally posted by Wrassecal:
<strong>A cabin, a lake, a boat, fireworks show, friends and family :D </strong><hr></blockquote>
Part of my family that I will be celebrating with includes one of my sons who is in the Marine Corps. He was told to take a 2 week "go home and see the family leave" because he will be deployed to parts unkown by fall. The other son in the Marine Corps leaves Sunday for Okinawa ( from Miramar)Since others have mentioned 9/11, I will too and I'm proud of my sons and my country and dammit I like Charlie Daniels song, I don't care what PBS says!!!!!!
Hey Wrassecal, I have a nephew who is in the Marine Corps. He left for Okanawa a couple months ago. He is in air traffic control over there.
Small world, isn't it?
Happy 4th!


gosh,my days sounds boring-sleep late,a little pooling here in sumter,sc.i hope all of you have fun and be safe,cause we need you here :D