O.T. What other pets do you all have?


Active Member
This was stemmed by a post of cats looking at a fish tank :) What other pets do all of you have? My only other pet is my dog, Patches. She is afraid of everything....I want a fat-tailed gecko and I'll probably get one for christmas....Let's see em!!


sorry no pics
i have dog, a westie named winnie, and leopard gekco named morrison and some koi and other pond fish
I have horses (Tennessee Walkers and Saddlebreds), dogs (German Shepherd and Great Dane), cats (house and barn variety), birds (only finches at present, but used to raise the huge ones...macaws, cockatoos and so forth), freshwater fish (discus), outdoor fish in the pond (pond roughly 1/2 acre filled with bass, trout, blue gill, catfish, frogs, snapping turtles and something with a long neck that looks like Nessie)
Also hanging out around here that don't necessarily count as pets are the deer, rabbits, blue herons, fox, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, peacocks, and most of God's little critters.


Active Member
I have a dumb dog named Jake. I tried taking a pic but the flash on my camera won't work.


And the largest of my two Leopard Geckos...
Sorry, no dogs...Not allowed.....and allergic to cats. No cute cudly fuzzies here.:)


You've already seen pics of a couple of my horses. I have 3 more, plus a mule. 3 dogs - a Great Pyrenees, Dalmation and Blk Lab. 2 cats - both siamese mixes.


Active Member
BTW, how OLD would you say that my dog is in the first picture in this thread? Anyone wanna take a stab at it?


Active Member
I actually have 2, Gracie is my baby, the other one is Sean's but gracie since this picture has gained 30lbs and grew 5 more inches. You should hear one bark in the house. The little black dog is her play toy, it is a Schiperkee


Hell I thought my house was bad... I tell everyone I have a 3 ring circus at all times lol. I have 1 lab, 1 basset hound, 1 persian cat, 3 fish tanks and would have more if my husband wouldn't threatin to divorce me....Oh yeah we own a thoroughbred horse.
Not sure he counts since he doesn't actually live with me but rather at the training center. Here is a pic of one of my babies


I have one dog, Sterling, a portuguese water dog, two cats, Smudge and Radar, two thoroughbreds, Linus and Spike, one rabbit, Oprah. I'm going to try to get pics tomorrow :)